Last weekend SAIF MF students became the grand winners of the Asia Pacific Region Hult Prize, and they will compete in the World Finals to win USD 1 Million in New York. On the same stage with students from 38 different Business Schools and Universities including Cambridge Business School, HKUST Business School, The University of Tokyo, and National University of Singapore, USC, University of Pennsylvania, a team of five Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF) Master of Finance (MF) students started as an underdog but finished as the grand winner of the Asia Pacific Region of the Hult Prize.

由霍特奖基金会与克林顿全球倡议共同举办的霍特奖2015年度亚太区决赛日前在上海举行,上海交通大学上海高级金融学院(SAIF)金融硕士(MF)团队击败了北京大学、东京大学、新加坡国立大学、宾夕法利亚大学、剑桥大学等38支参赛队伍拔得头筹,并将代表亚太区出席今年秋天在纽约克林顿全球倡仪年会上举行的总决赛,争夺用于实践其社会企业创意的100万美元奖金。SAIF MF参赛团队由此成为首个在该奖项上获胜的中国本土团队。

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Leadership Approaches in Globalized Economics

On the afternoon of March 4th, Ms. Florie and Ms. Pierre held a lecture on business communication etiquette for SAIF MF14 students. The main topic of the lecture is that learning etiquette provides you with confidence and strength.

2015年3月4日下午,上海交通大学上海高级金融学院迎来了两位法国老师Ms. Florie 与Ms. Pierre,她们给学生们带来了一场精彩生动的商业礼仪课程。Ms. Florie 向大家传输的核心观点就是:礼仪可以带给你自信和力量。

On the afternoon of March 11th, Mr. Alan Qiu delivered a social responsibility lecture for SAIF MF14 students. The main topic of the lecture was that living healthy lifestyles should be the primary step in assuming personal and social responsibility.

2015年3月11日下午,上海交通大学上海高级金融学院的Alan Qiu老师给大家带来一场精彩的讲座。这次Alan老师教导学生从“改变自己,影响世界”开始,而改变自己的第一步就是培养健康的生活方式。

On March 26th, MF students invited Professor Shan Chenyu and Professor Xu Liheng to coffee hour. During the 2 hour conversation, the two professors shared their views about academic and career choices available with MF students

2015年3月26日,上海交通大学上海高级金融学院金融硕士项目的Coffee Hour活动邀请了徐立恒教授、陕晨煜教授,在将近两个小时的交流过程中,教授与同学们分享了他们对于学术生涯规划的一些想法。

On the afternoon of March 25th, SAIF MF14 students welcomed an honored guest from Germany, Professor Harry W. Trummer. As a professor in leadership courses at Goethe University in Frankfurt and the CEO of Goethe Finance Association, Professor Trummer shared his insights into leadership on a global scale.

在当今全球化的经济格局中,组织和雇员对领导的要求更高,2015年3月25日下午,来自于德国的Harry W. Trummer教授给学生们分享了他对于领导力的一些见解。

SAIF MF Student Star: Benny Huang 学生之星:黄健

Hello, my name is Benny Huang from SAIF MF class 2014, my undergraduate school is Fudan University. The first semester in SAIF was busy and stressful, for I was required to balance between various kinds of difficult courses and applications for summer internships, as well as social networking. These tasks challenged me to always perform at my best. However, what I do to deal with the life in SAIF was quite simple, a healthy lifestyle. I kept jogging or playing basketball almost every day, made sure I was sleeping before midnight, reviewed the lecture notes and finished the homework timely. Avoiding procrastination, I made a detailed list and efficiently finish them one by one, for there are so many deadlines. Meanwhile, learning from other elites in my class is quite helpful. Enough sleep and efficiency will enable you to live in an orderly way and perform better.

大家好,我是SAIF MF项目2014级的黄健,本科毕业于复旦大学数学系。不知不觉地,在高金已经度过了一个学期的时光。在那些紧张而又忙碌的日子里,我们每个人都必须在有限的时间内权衡课业、实习、申请、社交以及生活琐事,这时常令人抓狂。面对这样的生活,我以规律作息,健康生活来应对。几乎每天我都坚持篮球或是慢跑,早睡早起,保证上课的听课质量并及时完成各项任务,不断地Push自己远离拖延症,将许多事情有条不紊地完成。当然,我更感谢身边的各位同学,是你们的优秀与拼搏让我看到了努力的方向,祝愿我们所有的高金学子一切顺利!

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@上海交通大学 上海高级金融学院
