More than 1,000 undergraduate students from across mainland China applied for the 2015 SAIF MF China Youth Leadership Finance Summit by submitting thesis. Apart from mainland China, students from well-known universities worldwide like Nanyang Technological University, National Chengchi University, National Taiwan University, National Tsing Hua University, The University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong etc.. applied to take part. After careful accessment of every applicant, SAIF MF selected 24 teams and individuals to join the summit.

2015 SAIF MF中国青年领袖金融高峰会共收到来自大陆地区几十所高校的上千名优秀学子的申请论文。除大陆学生外,峰会还吸引到来自新加坡南洋理工、台湾政治大学、台湾大学、台湾清华大学、香港大学、香港中文大学等亚洲知名高校学生的报名。经过专家评审委员会的专业评审,SAIF MF评选出24所高校的代表队及优秀个人参与将在2015年1月31日至2月2日于上海高级金融学院举办的中国青年领袖金融高峰会。

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Coffee Hour


Financial Database Exploration

On Dec 10th, Mr. Norman YAN gave his third lecture on personal positioning in career advancement for SAIF MF students. This time he focused on how to convey unique value proposition to companies via direct and indirect messages.

12月10日,Norman Yan 先生向SAIF MF的同学们着重讲解了求职者应该如何传达信息,让公司了解求职者的自我定位和独特价值。首先,Norman先生通过大量的品牌营销案例,展示了独特的自我定位和有效的信息传达如何帮助品牌获得市场。随后,Norman 分享了自己的求职经验。最后,Norman 将理论运用到实践,现场帮助同学们修改简历。

On Dec 17th, Mr. Alan QIU gave a lecture on environment protection. How to save the earth from the essential disasters? He encouraged MF students to pay more attention to the outside world, to stay alive and stay relevant, and to shoulder the social responsibility of environment protection.

12月17日,Alan Qiu老师给MF学生带来了以环境保护为主题的讲座。如何避免地球面临灭顶之灾?如何扭转气温上升的趋势?他警示我们身边环境正在不断恶化,呼吁中国的公司真正开始节能减排,并希望SAIF的学生在认真学习、努力实习之余,也要养成习惯关注身边的环境、勇于承担起环境保护的重任。

The 3rd Coffee Hour was held on Dec 11th. Prof. Hong CHEN and Prof. Tan WANG were also invited to this Coffee Hour. They talked with the MF 14 students and shared their insights from their rich experience in the study and research of finance. The students benefited greatly from their constructive advice.

12月11日,SAIF MF2014 的第三次Coffee Hour成功举办,在本次活动中,陈宏教授和王坦教授与同学们深入交流了海外留学、金融学中的数学工具等。两位教授都曾在国外求学、研究及任教多年,并最终回到国内。他们也分享了自己年轻时海外求学从不同学科转向研究金融的心路历程。两位老师的经历为同学们指引了方向。

On December 3rd, Mr.Fen WEI from MathWorks group gave MF 14 students a lecture about Matlab. MathWorks is the leading developer of mathematical computing software and the developer of Matlab.

12月3日,MathWorks中国区应用工程师团队经理魏奋先生首先为SAIF MF学生介绍了Matlab的界面,主要功能,应用领域。然后又讲解了Matlab中的变量类型,最常用的函数,如回归,制图等。最后,他着重讲解了如何使用Matlab解决金融问题, 如何在Matlab中熟悉的使用矩阵并处理数据,如何用它进行投资组合的分析等。

This is China's most promising MF class 这是中国最值得期待的金融硕士班

In SAIF MF class2014, all the 49 students graduated from best of the top universities in and out of China. For example, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University, Zhejiang University, Sun Yat-sen University, etc.. International students came from Canada, Germany, France and UK. Why did they all choose SAIF MF? The students' true experience may answer this question.


SAIF MF Student Star: Dennis DU 学生之星:杜南

Hello, my name is Nan Du from SAIF MF class 2013, my undergraduate school is Tsinghua University. I’m glad to be the student star of December. Firstly, I’m honored to win the LSR (Leadership of Social Responsibility) Scholarship, which is the confirmation of the work I have been doing in all the practice and volunteers of these year. However, I would say, rather than honor, the scholarship is more like an urge on I and my classmates to contribute more and participate more in the works that could benefit the society, the environment, the culture and influence the people that around us. I wish we could have more opportunities regarding social responsibilities on the pleasant platform of SAIF. Meanwhile, I participated in the YLFS as the vice president of BD. After last year’s successful performance, I am happy to see we could explore more function and potential over the summit. Also, I have the chance to cooperate and communicate with youths from other countries and cities, and also share ideas about the understanding of finance with each other. I wish we could have a perfect summit this year.

大家好,我是SAIF MF13级的杜南,本科毕业于清华大学。我很高兴能够获得本月的学生之星。首先,我很荣幸能获得LSR (Leaders for Social Responsibility) 奖,也就是社会责任领袖奖,这是对我这两年参与实践、志愿者等活动的肯定。不过我认为,相比于荣誉,这一奖项更是对于我和我们同学能够更多参与到社会中,为文化、环境、需要帮助的人和物做出自己贡献的鞭策。我期望,在SAIF这样的平台下,我和同学们未来有机会参与到更多有益于社会的活动中。同时,继去年做青年领袖金融高峰会的志愿者后,今年我有机会以BD副主席的角色再一次参与峰会,进一步为峰会出一份力量,同时发掘我们和其他城市、国家同龄人的合作,了解他们对金融的理解,这也使我受益匪浅,希望峰会能运行成功顺利。

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