The first "Tea Time" of ELSA took place on September 12th. In the lecture, Prof. Charles Chang, the director of SAIF MF program invited Mr Mingjian Guo, the CEO and co-founder of Zoyi Capital, to share career development insights with the MF14 students. In every lecture of "Tea Time" series, Charles will invite an industry leader to talk with SAIF MF students, in order to expand students' knowledge of the financial market and gain valuable career advices.

"查道"系列讲座初探:郭明鉴先生做客SAIF MF,畅谈职业发展之路。2014年9月12日,卓毅资本创始人之一兼现任CEO郭明鉴先生做客SAIF,与金融硕士14级新生分享与回顾个人的职业发展之路。本场讲座是"查道"系列讲座的第一场。"查道"系列讲座主要面对SAIF MF学生,每场讲座均由主持人张纯信教授邀请一位在金融界享有声誉的嘉宾,为MF学生进行经验分享与交流,旨在为SAIF学子传道授业解惑。

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Professionalism Development


Social Responsibility


Coffee Hour


Financial Database Exploration

On Oct 29th, SAIF MF students had a wonderful lecture of Professionalism Development Series given by Norman Yan. This lecture focused on personal positioning, what recruiters really want to know about the applicants in the interview process, and how to effectively use personal competitive strength to succeed in the workplace.

2014年10月29号,拥有丰富行业经验的Norman Yan先生给SAIF MF14的同学们精彩讲述了个人定位以及招聘人员对求职者的要求。Norman 告诉同学们求职者首先要进行个人定位,想清楚为什么招聘单位要雇用自己,自己有什么独特的价值匹配招聘单位的需求。他认为没有人是全能的,关键要找准自身的优势,并与应聘的职位匹配。

On Oct 15th, the lecturer Alan Qiu addressed the MF14 students on how to prepare for work on Wall Street. He suggested that students need to first identify their own interest and passion, then he pointed out critical things to consider in the interview process, and finally how to make a personal connection with the interviewers and stand out among applicants.

10月15日,拥有华尔街丰富实践经验的Alan Qiu为SAIF MF14级的学生讲解如何准备华尔街投行面试。他首先指出,要参加投行面试的第一步是明确自己是否对投行有真正的兴趣和激情。之后,他从职业穿着、社交能力、简历、面试技巧等多个方面讲解了投行面试过程中的注意事项。最后,他以自己的亲身经历阐述如何主导面试话题并通过投行面试。

On Oct 13th, the first Coffee Hour was successfully held. MF program was very honored to invite professor Ning Zhu and professor Hong Yan as the guests. They discussed hot issues like the IPO of Alibaba, differences between the US and China's security market, and potential trends in the future development of financial markets.

10月13日,SAIF MF14级同学入学后的第一次Coffee Hour成功举办,朱宁和严弘两位教授与学生们亲切围坐一起,讨论中美证券市场差异、阿里巴巴美国上市问题、公司及行业研究的价值及定向增发的现状以及未来趋势等热点话题。这次Coffee Hour的成功举办对14级新生而言是SAIF师生交流良好的开端。

On Oct 22th, the second Financial Database Exploration Series event for MF14 students was successfully held at the trading lab of SAIF. We have invited Mr. Ge, an expert of Microsoft Office to give the students a lecture on advanced Excel and PPT skills.

10月22日,Office软件专家葛剑雄在SAIF金融实验室为MF14级的同学们 带来了一场Office软件操作实训的讲座。葛老师的讲座内容充实,简单实用。在两个小时的课程中,葛老师详细讲解了Excel实用方法,包括常用快捷键操作、数据筛选、格式套用、公式编辑等。他还讲解了PowerPoint中的图标制作等高级技巧,并现场给同学们做了示范。

Successful recruitment of SAIF MF student ambassadors学生大使招募顺利完成

In an effort to better establish the brand and image of SAIF MF, as well as to foster the students' sense of responsibility, develop their communication skills and business etiquette, nine students were selected to become part of the ambassador team. As proud representatives of the school, they will help with domestic and international marketing, and organize student activities and promotional events.

为了更好的建立SAIF MF的品牌并传播其形象,同时为了培养MF学生的责任感、沟通能力、商务礼仪和文化素养,金融硕士学生大使招募工作顺利完成。通过递交申请和面试等环节,共有九名同学从14级金融硕士中脱颖而出成为大使。学生大使们将承担国内外市场宣传及学生活动筹备等工作。

A SAIF MF student's entrepreneurship: SAIF 金融硕士创业男孩的传奇

Every high school student in China should have a personal mentor from prestigious university. This is the dream of Yi Zhang, a MF13 student. He started his own company zmlearn in the middle of the year to achieve this dream. He successfully obtained private equity investment for his start-up company. "From the very beginning, we never had a backup plan for the failure of the business", Yi is very confident as the founder of the business.


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