On July 4, at the 2014 SAIF MF graduation ceremony, professor Charles Chang gave a thought-provoking speech to all the graduates and guests. He advised the graduates to set targets which would bring them alive and lift their spirit. For all MF students are exceptional young talents, Prof. Charles also instructed the graduates that "you have been given more so you must do more as well. Leave behind more than you take". As last, Charles wrapped up the speech with the best wishes filled with love.

在SAIF MF 项目于7月4日举行的2014年毕业典礼上,SAIF MF项目主任张纯信教授 Charles Chang 以《选择、付出与爱》为主题,为毕业生及在场的所有嘉宾们作了发人深省、感人至深的演讲。张纯信教授要求毕业生们选择“那个给你带来存在感并能让你的灵魂得到升华的目标”,并告诫同学们“你们已经被赋予了超出常人的天赋,因此相应地你们也必须做得更多,付出的该比得到的多”。最后,张教授以“爱”为全篇的总结:“在尊重、钦慕和爱中,爱是最难能可贵的。你们要关爱别人超过自己”

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On July 4, 2014 SAIF MF graduation ceremony was held by MF program. Dean Hong Chen, Dean Tan Wang, Dean Jie Pan, Prof. Charles Chang, Prof. Nengjiu Ju, Prof. Fei Wu and Alan Qiu attended the ceremony. Prof. Chen delivered the opening remarks, and the professors presented trophies to several award winners.

7月4日,SAIF MF项目为2014届毕业生举行了毕业典礼。到场的嘉宾有SAIF副院长陈宏教授、副院长王坦教授、副院长潘杰、金融硕士项目主任张纯信教授,以及巨能久教授、吴飞教授和Alan Qiu老师,还有远道而来的毕业生亲友们。典礼由陈宏教授致开幕辞,并由多位教授给获奖的同学颁奖。

Jackie Han, a recent graduate of SAIF, served as the monitor for the MF2012 class. Jackie's undergraduate major was Software Engineering at SJTU and was recently hired by JP Morgan and will work in HongKong. During his successful transition to Finance, he has gained three kinds of love at SAIF MF.


Throughout the months of May and June, SAIF MF delivered admission info sessions in 13 cities across China. The MF program met hundreds of applicants. The focus of the info sessions were mainly the history of SAIF, faculty and research, admission policy, curriculum and career development.


On June 12, SAIF MF invited senior engineer of Microsoft, Mr Weihua Ge to train the MF students on advanced applications of MS Office including excel, word and ppt. Mr Ge taught in a very simple, practical and easy to comprehend, leading to him and his lecture receiving very positive feedback from the students.

6月12日下午,SAIF MF的讲台迎来了微软的高级工程师——葛伟华先生,他为13级的金融硕士们带来了专业的Microsoft Office培训。在为时2个多小时的培训中,葛老师从excel, word, ppt逐一入手,讲解深入浅出,搭配实际操作和演示,赢得了同学们的积极反馈和好评。在提炼出最实用技巧的基础上,他还覆盖到MS Office今年最新推出的一些功能。

SAIF MF Decathlon: SAIF MF携手CFA隆重启动“SAIF金融知识竞赛”

To provide a platform for talented financial minds to test their knowledge and for the purpose of demonstrating the innovation and commitment to the education and values of the CFA, SAIF MF is proud to present to all interested parties the SAIF MF decathlon. The competition consists entirely of questions from CFA mock exams and the winners will receive large cash prizes.

为给金融人才提供更好、更广阔的学习平台,由上海高级金融学院(SAIF)金融硕士(MF)主办,由CFA提供主要赞助、高顿财经参与赞助的“SAIF 金融知识竞赛” 应运而生。本次竞赛旨在为社会各界对金融有兴趣的大众提供一个自我测评、相互交流的平台,并为优胜者提供丰厚的奖金。无论你是学生、行业新秀还是资深人士,均可参加。本次竞赛所有题目均为CFA考试模拟题且奖励丰厚,比赛语用:英语。

学生之星 Student Star

Hello, this is Michael LUO from MF13 class. I obtained my undergraduate degree in economics from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. It was one of the wisest choices that I have ever made to apply for SAIF MF and to pursue a career in finance. SAIF has provided me with an excellent platform to learn the most cutting-edge knowledge from world-renowned professors and exchange the most fascinating ideas with my talented peers. In addition, extracurricular activities have greatly enriched our SAIF life and promoted the interaction between classmates. At the recent basketball match, we really felt the unity and cohesion of the SAIF family, a cohesion that helped us to win the game. Meanwhile, thanks to the care and attention from the MF faculty and numerous lectures delivered by industry leaders, I can honestly say that really enjoy every day at SAIF. I am proud to be a SAIFer.

大家好,我是SAIF MF13的罗晨,本科获得上海财经大学经济学学士学位。通过申请SAIF追求金融生涯是我迄今为止最明智的选择之一。SAIF为我提供了向世界知名学者学习最顶尖金融知识及与全国最优秀的伙伴们交流切磋的绝佳机会和平台。此外,学院举办的各类学生活动也极大的丰富了我们的课余生活和促进了班级同学间的互动,例如在前不久的四校篮球联赛中,在获得佳绩的同时我们也都切切实实体会到了SAIF大家庭的团结与凝聚力。与此同时, MF项目组老师们对我的关怀备至,以及学院内丰富多彩的业界讲座等活动,使我非常享受在SAIF的每一天。我以成为一名SAIF人感到骄傲。

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