In addition to the successful admission info session held in Beijing on May19, SAIF MF has started 2014 admission info sessions across all of China. By May30, domestic applicants for the 2015 MF class has been far more than last year. In May, MF program went to Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Xiamen and Changsha to hold info sessions attended by more than 400 applicants. In June, the program will go to Chengdu, Xi'an, Jinan, Nanjing, Wuhan and Hefei to address more applicants.

2014 SAIF MF 招生全国巡回宣讲会随着5月19日在北京首场的成功举行而顺利拉开了帷幕。截止于5月30日,申请2015级 MF 项目的人数已远超去年同期报名人数。在五月,MF项目组奔赴了北京、上海、杭州、厦门和长沙进行了宣讲,共有400多名申请人参加了五月的宣讲会。MF项目组还将于六月赴成都、西安、济南、南京、武汉及合肥宣讲会。

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On May 15, SAIF Master of Finance program invited Norman Yen to hold a lecture on communication, presentation and interview skills. The lecturer vividly shared and explained to students how to properly self-position themselves and communicate with the interviewer effectively.

5月15日,MF 项目的课堂里展开了关于沟通表达以及面试技巧的讲座。职业主讲人Norman先生通过生动的讲解向同学们分享了如何在求职过程中正确地定位自己,在面试中有效地和面试官沟通交流,展现自己。讲师还通过一些趣味的小游戏的形式,让学生们对本讲座的内容印象更深刻。

MF14 students visited Shanghai Baby’s Home on May 17 and May 18. Shanghai Baby’s Home is an organization offering aid to heavily sick and disabled orphans in China. The students had fun with the orphans and brought many baby supplies and neccessities as donations.

5月17和18日,MF 项目的十四位同学分两批探访了位于儿童医学中心的“宝贝之家”。“宝贝之家”是无偿为病残孤儿和弃婴提供寄养的场所。同学们代表MF项目组老师给孩子们带来了急需的7箱婴儿湿巾,以及来自台湾政治大学爱心人士的捐款。

The CFA Exam, which is an important exam for financial professionals, will be held on June 7th this year. On May 27th, to help students prepare for the exam, MF invited a professional CFA Exam lecturer to conduct a training session.

5月27日,MF 项目的课堂展开了CFA二级考试培训讲座。MF 的同学们即将面临CFA 二级考试,为此MF项目专门请来了CFA培训机构的高级讲师为同学们展开考前培训。讲师向同学们详细的总结了CFA二级考试中的重点难点。

On May16 and May24, the current MF students had Experience Sharing parties with MF11 alumni. The alumni shared their work experience and views on the Chinese economy and provided the current students with useful suggestions on career planning and professional development.

5月16、24日,MF 项目为12及13级MF同学分别举办了校友交流会活动。交流会上11级MF学生张康康,陈思靖,史君,王芳等校友为同学们分享了如何从一个学生转变成职业人的感悟。在演讲环节,校友们也给在校生介绍了工作经验和实用的行业信息。

Meet the Deans 院长们来到 MF 学生中间

Invited by SAIF MF program, Deans of SAIF Prof. Jiang Wang and Prof. Chun Chang attended coffee hour on May22 and May29 respectively. Prof. WANG was more than happy to talk to students about various subjects from his own life experience and provide life and career recommendations to the students. As one of the most popular professors in SAIF, Prof. Chang generously shared stories from his youth and his understanding of the important things in life.

SAIF 的两位院长王江教授和张春教授应 MF 项目邀请分别出席了于5月22日和5月29日举行的Coffee Hour活动。王江教授作为华人金融学研究的领军人,在学术界具有极高的声望,但王教授为人谦虚平和,非常愿意来到同学们当中分享自己的经历和见解。而作为最受同学们欢迎的教授之一,金融界著名教授张春能抽空来到同学们之中和大家交流,同学们都感到非常荣幸,并十分积极地就自己感兴趣的话题与张教授进行了交流。

学生之星 Student Star

Hello, this is Caitlin Yan, a SAIF MF12 student. I received my bachelor degree from the school of economics in Xiamen University. I think it is the wisest choice that I have ever made to study at SAIF MF. The past two years at SAIF is one of the most fruitful and precious experiences of my life. SAIF has provided me a great platform to learn from the top-class professors and the most talented classmates. Additionally, there are various projects we can apply for to gain different experience in different countries. I am proud to be a SAIFer and I have developed great friendship all of my classmates. We are a caring family!

大家好,我是SAIF MF12级的晏迎亚,本科毕业于厦门大学经济系。选择来SAIF求学是我做过最明智的决定。在SAIF的两年是我人生中最充实最宝贵的经历之一,在这里我有幸能够向世界顶尖的教授学习,并结识了一群最优秀的同学。同时,MF项目组还为我们提供去到世界各个地方学习顶尖金融知识的机会。能够成为SAIF的一份子我感到非常骄傲,欢迎大家加入SAIF这个温暖的大家庭!

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@上海交通大学 上海高级金融学院
