
10位金融硕士学生积极参与了评估,向评审委员会全面表达了在校学习期间的感受以及SAIF 给他们带来的价值。这帮助评审委员会更具体的了解了SAIF的教学。

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Financial Database Exploration


Coffee Hour

On March 7th, MF program organized a lecture on "Business Etiquette and Formal Dress". Our students, who normally spend their days attending lectures, finishing homework, and interning at companies that focus on challenging subjects such as derivatives and bond pricing, thoroughly enjoyed the escape offered by this activity.


On March 24th, March’s lecture in Ben Rudick’s Social Responsibility Series featured the exciting topic of Bitcoin, perhaps today’s hottest financial topic. The lecture aimed to educate students about the ideas and concepts behind the creation and workings of Bitcoin, its potential applications, and how it is currently impacting society.

2014年3月24日,Ben Rudick先生拜访了上海交通大学上海高级金融学院,并为金融硕士举办的社会责任系列讲座准备了一个特别的话题:比特币。比特币是当今金融界最热门的话题之一。本次讲座旨在让同学们了解当今金融市场的最新情况,并把握金融发展的趋势。

On March 17th, MF program invited Mr. Wei, the team manager of Math Works China, to give the students a basic training session on how to use Matlab. During his session, he answered all the questions raised by the students and guided them through sample problems.

2014年3月17日,金融硕士项目邀请到MathWorks中国区应用工程师团队经理魏奋先生为大家做Matlab相关的基础培训。加入中国区之前,魏奋先生在MathWorks公司美国总部从事8年的通信、射频以及金融软件开发和研究工作。 本次讲座中魏奋先生主要对同学们平时学习应用过程中遇到的问题进行了针对性的指导和解答。

On April 1st, MF students invited Professor Lei Zhu to coffee hour. During the conversation, Prof. Zhu discussed her latest research and shared her insights about Internet finance. Prof. Zhu was happy to exchange ideas about the latest market developments and wished the students a promising future.

2014年4月1日,SAIF金融硕士项目邀请到了朱蕾教授在上海交通大学上海高级金融学院跟MF13级的学生进行交流。朱蕾老师同时也教授MF 13级学生Principles of Accounting的课程。朱老师分享了她对于学术以及市场的想法,而同学们也对市场有了更加明确的认识。

2014 MIT-SAIF China Lab proceeds smoothly

近期,2014 MIT-SAIF China Lab 在MIT、SAIF和企业三方之间顺利展开。由8位MIT MBA学生、8位SAIF MF及MBA学生组成的MIT-SAIF咨询团,分为4人一组,为4家在华企业在经营过程中遇到的实际问题提供咨询服务。本次China Lab将从2014年2月持续到5月份左右。SAIF方的指导老师为上海交通大学上海高级金融学院(SAIF)金融硕士项目主任张纯信教授。16位同学们在MIT-SAIF China Lab项目中充分发挥自己的才学,展现出了他们的跨文化沟通能力、团队合作能力和领导力。。在与企业方的交互过程中,体现并提升了职业素养,并将理论运用到实践,为企业提供价值。

学生之星 Student Star

Hello, this is Chenxi Hu from the SAIF MF12 class. I received my bachelor degree from Fudan University. I chose to study at SAIF MF because of its excellent faculty and students and the many opportunities the university provides for its students to learn the most cutting edge knowledge in the industry and develop leadership skills. For example, one opportunity that I was proud to take part in was the SAIF China Youth Leadership Finance Summit, an annual summit organized and carried out by SAIF MF students. I was very honored to be the chairperson of the planning committee for the 2014 summit, which provided a unique platform for 136 undergraduate students from 20 top Chinese universities to discuss the most pressing and challenging issues in the field of finance alongside world renowned professors and leading industry practitioners from financial firms. Events such as this help connect SAIF students with industry leaders, better preparing them for their future career.

大家好,我是SAIF MF12的胡晨希,本科毕业于复旦大学管理科学系。在我决定转向金融专业时,之所以会选择SAIF,是因为SAIF拥有强大的师资和优秀的学生。此外,SAIF也提供许多学习金融业界最前沿知识的机会,其中之一便是一年一度完全由学生组织的“SAIF中国青年领袖高峰会”。本人非常荣幸能够担任2014年高峰会的筹委会主席,见证了来自20所全国顶尖大学的136位本科生与知名教授学者和业界精英的思想碰撞。SAIF的这些活动拉近了学生与业界的距离,也让我们能够为职业发展做更充足的准备。

Tel:021-62934968 Fax:021-62933418 Address:402, No.211 West Huaihai Road, Shanghai, P.R. China. 200030

@上海交通大学 上海高级金融学院
