On December 3, Master of Finance2013 students joined with Mr. Norman for his interesting lecture on The Art & Brain Science of Personal Positioning for Career Development. Mr. Yen used to be the General Manager of two S&P 500 companies, and now a revenue growth strategist and executive positioning advisor.
2013年12月3日,Norman Yen先生为我们带来了基于他自己成功职场经验的头脑科学个人职业定位讲座。Norman Yen先生曾在2家世界五百强企业担任中国区总经理,现今从事专业的商业咨询与教练工作。 |
On December 12, Director of SA Capital, social enterprise investor Mr. Richard S. Roque and Mr. Benjamin Rudick, core members of TRANSIT.st came to SAIF and gave the students of Master of Finance a lecture about the real-world investment on social enterprises. 2013年12月12日,社会企业投资人Benjamin Rudick先生来到SAIF,并邀请来他的朋友及社会投资领域著名的投资人Richard S. Roque先生为金融硕士的同学们分享了他们从业多年的投资经验。罗礼全先生目前是SA Capital l的总经理。 |
On December 15, SAIF Master of Finance students had a nice Christmas dinner with the international interns from the CRCC Asia. CRCC Asia specializes in connecting China and the global community through Internships, Study Abroad Programs and Consulting services.
2013年12月15日,上海高级金融学院部分13级、14级金融硕士学生与士亚商务咨询(CRCC Asia)的国际实习生相聚在一家别具中国特色的餐馆,享受圣诞晚餐的同时进行亲切深入的交流。相互交流、相互学习的精神会一直存在SAIF金融硕士和CRCC国际实习生之间。 |
The last Coffee Hour activity of 2013 took place one day before the Christmas Eve. As the New Year is approaching, the gathering in Room 901 was like a small party filled with excitement and happiness with professor Bin Zhao and Yexiao Xu. 2013年最后一期Coffee Hour活动在平安夜的前一天照常举行。由于新年将至,活动充满了节日的气氛,赵彬和徐叶晓教授的到来更让这次活动犹如一场温馨的聚会。12月23日的活动为2013年的SAIF学生活动划上了圆满的句号。我们相信即将来临的2014年对于SAIF的同学们和MF项目组来说都将是一个更加快乐、美好而充实的一年。 |