On Oct.11th 2013, Jeffery Chen, the general manager of ASE GROUPE,presented a wine etiquette class to the MF13 students.


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I Love Cards Event

Social Responsibility

Coffee Hour
Meet Professors

Basketball Match

On Oct.26th 2013, the MF program arranged a card competition for students and alumni. More than 40 persons participated in the fierce but wonderful game. Besides the game, MF students and alumni had a relaxing chatting about the life in SAIF and career afterwards.


On October 25th, students from MF 2013 joined Mr. Benjamin Rudick for his second lecture about social enterprise. Mr. Rudick has more than 5 years of experience in social enterprise investing and is now a core member at TRANSI.ST

2013年10月25日,Benjamin Rudick先生给2013级MF的同学们带来了关于社会企业的第二次讲座。Rudick先生有超过5年的社会企业投资经验,目前是创思公司的核心成员。

Professor David Yao and Professor Paul Burik attended the Coffee Hour on October 24th and shared their thoughts with the MF students. The talking started from the choice of life, like how to find interesting research field and suitable career.

10月24日的Coffee Hour邀请到的是David Yao教授和Paul Burik教授,他们和MF的学生分享了自己的个人经历,对人生选择的看法,对如何更有效地学习思考的建议。David Yao教授提到了自己的人生经历,对比了中美学生的人生观。

On Oct. 26th and 27th, a basketball competition was held among six teams in Shanghai Jiaotong University in Xuhui District. Thanks to the efforts of team players and cheerleaders , we won the third prize in the competition, which is the best performance of SAIF.


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Student Star

Hello, this is Chen Xiaoguang, SAIF MF12. My undergraduate background is international finance in Fudan. Before I was enrolled in MF program, I worked in the retail leasing department in Sun Hung Kai Property. Study in SAIF is one of the most precious experience in my life. I met the most talented and inspiring guys in class, I am immersed in lectures and speeches given by remarkable professors, and the wonderful extra-curricular activities also become my unforgettable memories. Here I get the chance to the investment field and really enjoy that. Look forward to having more talented students in SAIF family!

大家好,我是SAIF MF12的陈晓光,本科就读于复旦大学国际金融系,在读研之前在新鸿基地产工作。在SAIF的时光美好与充实,是我人生中的最宝贵的经历之一,在这里结识一群最优秀的同学,能有最优秀的教授给我们上课,同时像中秋晚会、俱乐部活动、小组讨论、高峰会、系列培训讲座等业余活动也应接不暇,更重要的是,正是从这里有机会让我真正踏入证券投资的领域,领略投资的乐趣。希望有更多的优秀学弟学妹加入到SAIF的大家庭中!

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@上海交通大学 上海高级金融学院