• SAIF致力于培养服务中国市场、具有全球化视野的顶尖金融人才。为提升学生的国际化视野,让学生在就读期间体验多元化文化环境,SAIF与全球一流商学院开展了学期交换项目合作,为学生提供了建立全球人脉网络的机会。根据SAIF与合作院校的协议,MBA和MF在校学生可以去合作学院进行一个学期的学习,学生在对方学院所修课程学分经认定可转换为学院学分。


    Aalto University, School of Business 芬兰

    Alliance Manchester Business School, the University of Manchester 英国

    Australian Graduate School of Management,UNSW Business School at University of New South Wales 澳大利亚

    Business School, University of Mannheim 德国

    City University of Hong Kong, College of Business 中国香港

    College of Commerce, National Chengchi University 中国台湾

    Copenhagen Business School 丹麦

    EDHEC Business School 法国

    Faculty of Business Administration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 中国香港

    Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,Goethe-University Frankfurt 德国

    Frankfurt School of Finance and Management 德国

    Higher School of Economics, National Research University 俄罗斯

    IESEG School of Management 法国

    Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, College of Business 韩国

    Rotman School of Management, the University of Toronto 加拿大

    Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University 荷兰

    School of Business and Management, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 中国香港

    Smith School of Business School, Queen's University at Kingston 加拿大

    Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi 意大利

    Universite Paris Dauphine 法国

    University of Zurich, Department of Banking and Finance 瑞士