Incentives and Performance in the Presence of Wealth Effects and Endogenous Risk, Ming Guo,Journal of Economic Theory, 2006,129,150-149
Macroeconomic Conditions, Firm Characteristics and Credit Spread Dynamics, Dragon Tang, Hong Yan,Journal of Financial Services Research, 29, pages 177 – 210, 2006
Deposit Insurance and Bank Regulation in a Monetary Economy: a General Equilibrium Exposition, Chun Chang, John Boyd, and Bruce Smith, RECENT DEVELOPMENTS ON MONEY AND FINANCEStudies in Economic Theory, 2006, Volume 24, 11-38, DOI: 10.1007/3-540-29500-3_2
Fourier Transformation and the Pricing of Average-Rate Derivatives, Nengjiu Ju and Rui Zhong,Review of Derivatives Research9, 187-212, 2006
Estimation of Continuous-Time Models with an Application to Equity Volatility Dynamics, Nengjiu Ju, Gurdip Bakshi, and Hui Ou-Yang,Journal of Financial Economics82, 227-249, 2006
Capital Structure, Debt Maturity, and Stochastic Interest Rates, Nengjiu Ju and Hui Ou-Yang,Journal of Business79, 2469-2502, 2006
Correlated Default Risks and Bank Regulations, Nengjiu Ju, Andrew Chen, Sumon Mazumdar, and Avinash Verma,Journal of Money, Credit and Banking38, 375-398, 2006
Airport Capacity and Congestion When Carriers Have Market Power, Zhang, A. and Y. Zhang,Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 60, pp. 229-247
Rivalry between Strategic Alliance, Zhang, A. and Y. Zhang,International Journal of Industrial Organization,Vol. 24, pp. 287-301
A Model of Liberalization of Trade in Services, Wong, C., J. Wu and A. Zhang,Review of International Economics, Vol. 14, pp. 148-168
Financial Constraints Risk, Guojun Wu and Toni Whited,Review of Financial Studies, 19, 531-559
How Important Is Intertemporal Risk for Asset Allocation? GuoJun Wu and Bruno Gerard,Journal of Business, 79 (4), 2203-2241
Stock Market Manipulations, GuoJun Wu, Rajesh Aggarwal,Journal of Business, 79 (4), 1915-1953. -- First place winner of the best paper award – 2004 China
The Market Price of Risk in Interest Rate Swaps: The Roles of Default and Liquidity Risks, Jun Liu,Francis Longstaff, and Ravit E. Mandell,Journal of Business, v79, n5, 2337-2359, September, 2006
Generalizing the permanent-income hypothesis: Revisiting Friedman's conjecture on consumption, Nill, Neng Wang,Journal of Monetary Economics, 53 (4), 737-52, (2006)
Asset pricing implications of firms’ financing constraints, Zhang Lu and Gomes and Yaron,Review of Financial Studies19 (4), 1321-1356
Using Bootstrap to Test Portfolio Efficiency, Zhou Guofu, Pin-Huang Chou,Annals of Economics and Finance7, 2006, 217--249
Portfolio Optimization under Asset Pricing Anomalies, Zhou Guofu, Pin-Huang Chou and Wen-Shen Li,Japan & The World Economy18, 2006, 121--142
A New Variance Bound on the Stochastic Discount Factor, Zhou Guofu, Raymond Kan,Journal of Business79, 2006, 941--961
Buy-side Analysts, Sell-side Analysts, and Investment Decisions of Money Managers, Qian Jun, Yingmei Cheng and Mark H. Liu,Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 41(1), 51-83
The Information in Option Volume for Future Stock Prices, Pan Jun, Allen Poteshman,Review of Financial Studies, volume 19, pages 871--908, 2006
An Analysis of VaR-based Capital Requirements, Liu Hong, Domenico Cuoco,Journal of Financial Intermediation15, 2006, 362-394
So What Orders Do Informed Traders Use? Liu Hong, Ron Kaniel,Journal of Business49, 2006, 1867-1913
The Role of the Media in the Launch of Internet IPOs, Bhattacharya, Utpal, Neal Galpin, Rina Ray, and Xiaoyun Yu,Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis58 (Special Issue on IPOs), 442‐456
Playing by the Rules: Comparing Principles-based and Rules-based Corporate Governance in Canada and the U.S., Broshko, E.B., and K. Li,Canadian Investment Review, Winter issue, 18-25
Asset Float and Speculative Bubbles, Hong Harrison, Jose Scheinkman and Wei Xiong,Journal of Finance61 (2006), 1073-1117
Trading Volume: Implications of an Intertemporal Capiral Asset Pricing Model, Wang Jiang, A.W. Lo,Journal of Finance61, 2805-2840, 2006
Evaluating Portfolio Policies: A Duality Approach, Wang Jiang, M. Haugh and L. Kogan,Operations Research54 (No. 3), 405-418, 2006
The Price Impact and Survival of Irrational Traders, Wang Jiang, L. Kogan, S.A. Ross and M.Westerfield,Journal of Finance61, 195-229, 2006
Accounting Treatment of Inherent versus Incentive Uncertainties and the Capital Structure of the Firm, Zhang Xiaojun, Pierre Jinghong Liang,Journal of Accounting Research, March 2006
Tax-loss Selling and the January Effect: Evidence from Municipal Bond Closed-End Funds, Laura T. Starks and Li Yong,The Journal of Finance, 61 (6), 3049-3067
Are Investors Moonstruck? – Lunar Phases and Stock Return, Kathy Yuan and Qiaoqiao Zhu,The Journal of Empirical Finance, 13, 1-23
Rain or Shine: Where is the Weather Effect? William N. Goetzmann and Ning Zhu,European Financial Management, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 559-578, November 2005
the Impact of Clientele Changes: Evidence from Stock Splits, Ravi Dhar , William N. Goetzmann and Ning Zhu,Yale ICF Working PaperNo. 03-14, EFA 2005Moscow Meetings Paper, AFA 2005 Philadelphia Meetings
What Actually Happened to the Inventories of American Companies Between 1981 and 2000? Hong Chen, Murray Z. Frank, and Owen Q. Wu,Management Science2005 51:1015-1031; doi:10.1287/mnsc.1050.0368
A Refinement to AitSahalia's (2003) Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Discretely Sampled Diffusions: A Closed-form Approximation Approach, Nengjiu Ju and Gurdip Bakshi,Journal of Business78, 2037-2052, 2005
Horses and Rabbits? Trade-Off Theory and Optimal Capital Structure, Robert Parrino, Allen Poteshman, Michael Weisback, Nengjiu Ju,Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 40, 259-281, 2005
Default Risk and Diversification: Theory and Empirical Implications, Robert A. Jarrow , David Lando and Fan Yu,Mathematical Finance, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 1-26, January 2005
Accounting Transparency and the Term Structure of Credit Spreads, Fan Yu,Journal of Financial Economics75(1), 53-84
The Air Cargo Industry in China: Implications of Globalization and WTO Accession, Fung, M., A. Zhang, L. Leung and J. Law,Transportation Journal, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 44-62
Export Orientation and Domestic Merger Policy: Theory and Empirical Evidence, Clougherty, J. and A. Zhang,Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 38, pp. 778-806
A Study of Optimal State-owned Shares in Mixed Oligopoly: Implications for SOE Reform, Sun, Q., A. Zhang and J. Li,Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 38, pp. 778-806
Time-Varying Informed and Uninformed Trading Activities, GuoJun Wu and Qin Lei,Journal of Financial Markets, 8, 153-181
Why Stocks May Disappoint, Jun Liu, Andrew Ang, and Geert Bekaert,Journal of Financial Economics, v76, n3, 471-508, June, 2005
An Equilibrium Model of Rare Event Premia, Jun Liu with Jun Pan and TanWang,Review of Financial Studies, v18, n1, 131-164, Spring, 2005
Investment timing, agency, and information, Steven Grenadier,Journal of Financial Economics, 75 (3), 493-533, (2005)
Is value riskier than growth? Zhang Lu, Petkova,Journal of Financial Economics78 (1), 187-202
The value premium, Zhang Lu, Journal of Finance 60 (1), 67-103
Model Uncertainty, Limited Market Participation and Asset Prices, H. Henry Cao, Tan Wang and Harold H. Zhang,Review of Financial Studies, 18, 1219-1251, 2005
External Habit and the Cyclicality of Expected Stock Returns, Thomas Tallarini, Jr. and Harold H. Zhang,Journal of Business, 78, 1023-1048, 2005
Optimal Consumption and Portfolio Choices with Risky Housing and Borrowing Constraints, Rui Yao and Harold H. Zhang,Review of Financial Studies, 18, 197-239, 2005
Maximizing Long-Term Wealth Accumulation: It’s not just about “What” but also about “Where” to Make Them, Robert Dammon, James Poterba, Chester Spatt, Harold H. Zhang, Research Dialogue 85, 2005
Law, Finance, and Economic Growth in China, Jun, Qian, Franklin Allen and Meijun Qian,Journal of Financial Economics, 77 (1), 57-116
Optimal Toeholds in Takeover Contests, Jun, Qian, Eitan Goldman,Journal of Financial Economics, 77 (2), 321-346
Endogenous Financial Intermediation and Real Effects of Capital Account Liberalization, Jun Pan, George Alessandria,Journal of International Economics, 67(1), 97-128
An Equilibrium Model of Rare-Event Premia and Its Implication for Option Smirks, Jun Pan, Jun Liu and Tan Wang,Review of Financial Studies, volume 18, pages 131--164, 2005
Option Pricing with an Illiquid Underlying Asset Market, Hong Liu , Jiongmin Yong,Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control29, 2005, 2125-2156
Do Hedge Funds Have Enough Capital? A Value at Risk Approach, Liang Bing, Anurag Gupta,Journal of Financial Economics77, 219-253
Thy Neighbor’s Portfolio: Word-of-Mouth Effects in the Holdings and Trades of Money Managers, Hong Harrison Jeffrey D. Kubik and Jeremy C. Stein,Journal of Finance60 (2005), 2801-2824
Model Uncertainty, Limited Market Participation, and Asset Prices, H. Henry Cao, Tan Wang, and Harold H. Zhang,Review of Financial Studies, Vol.18, 2005, 1219 - 1251
An Equilibrium Model of Rare-Event Premia and Its Implication for Option Smirks, Jun Liu, Jun Pan, and Tan Wang,Review of Financial Studies, Vol.18, 2005, 131 - 164
Mischfonds neuer Praegung: Attraktivitaet durch Flexibilitaet, Burik Paul, Dr. O. Kruse, Die Bank
Discussion of 'Conservatism, Growth and the Role of Accounting Numbers in Fundamental Analysis Process', Xiaojun Zhang,Review of Accounting Studies, September 2005
Identifying Control Motives in Managerial Ownership: Evidence from Antitakeover Legislation, Cheng Shijun, Venky Nagar,Madhav V. Rajan,Rev. Financ. Stud.(Summer 2005) 18 (2): 637-672
On the Industry Concentration of Actively Managed Equity Mutual Funds, Zheng Lu, Marcin Kacperczyk and Clemens Sialm,The Journal of Finance60 (4), 1983-2011
Out of Sight, Out of Mind: The Effects of Expenses on Mutual Fund Flows, Zheng Lu, Brad Barber and Terry Odean,The Journal of Business78 (6), 2095-2120
Investment Opportunities, Liquidity Premiums and Conglomerate Mergers, Chun Chang and Xiaoyun Yu,Journal of Business77, 45-74,2004
Deposit Insurance and Bank Regulation in a Monetary Economy: a General Equilibrium Exposition, John H. Boyd, Chun Chang, and Bruce D. Smith,Economic Theory24, 741–767 (2004)
How to Discount Cashflows with Time-Varying Expected Returns, Jun Liu with Andrew Ang,Journal of Finance, v59, n6, 2745-2783, December, 2004
Losing Money on Arbitrages: Optimal Dynamic Portfolio Choice in Markets with Arbitrage Opportunities,
Jun Liu with Francis Longstaff,Review of Financial Studies, v17, n3, 611-641, Fall, 2004
Conditional Information and Variance Bounds on Pricing Kernels,Jun Liu with Geert Bekaert,Review of Financial Studies, v17, n2, 339-378, Summer, 2004
Precautionary saving and partially observed income, Nill, Neng Wang,Journal of Monetary Economics, 51 (8), 1645-1681, (2004)
Data-generating Process Uncertainty: What Difference Does It Make in Portfolio Decisions? Zhou Guofu, Jun Tu, Journal of Financial Economics72, 2004, 385--421
Comment on ‘Household Portfolio Choices in Taxable and Tax-Deferred Accounts: Another Puzzle?’ ,
Zhang Harold,European Finance Review7, 583-586, 2004
Optimal Asset Location and Allocation with Taxable and Tax-Deferred Investing, Robert M. Dammon, Chester S. Spatt and Harold H. Zhang,Journal of Finance59, 2004
Optimal Consumption and Investment with Transaction Costs and Multiple Risky Assets, Liu Hong,Journal of Finance59, 2004, 289-338
Investment Opportunities, Liquidity Premium and Conglomerate Mergers, Chang, Chun, and Xiaoyun Yu,Journal of Business77, 45‐74
Alternative Investments: CTAs, Hedge Funds, and Funds-of-Funds, Liang Bing, Journal of Investment Management 2, 76-93,Fourth Quarter2004
Fees on Fees in Funds of Funds, Liang Bing, Stephen Brown and William Goetzmann, Journal of Investment Management 2, 39-56,Fourth Quarter2004
Confidence in the Familiar: An International Perspective, Li, Kai,Journal of Financial and QuantitativeAnalysis, 39, 47-68
Social Interaction and Stock Market Participation, Hong Harrison, Jeffrey D. Kubik and Jeremy C. Stein,Journal of Finance59 (2004), 137-163
Talking up Liquidity: Insider Trading and Investor Relations, Hong Harrison, Ming Huang,Journal of Financial Intermediation14 (2004), 1-31
Does Fund Size Erode Mutual Fund Performance? The Role of Liquidity and Organization, Joseph Chen, Ming Huang and Jeffrey D. Kubik,American Economic Review94 (2004), 1276-1302
The Role of Risk Aversion and Uncertainty in an Individual's Migration Decision, Tan Wang and T. Wirjanto,Stochastic Models, Vol. 20, 2004, 129-147
Asset Prices and Trading Volume Under Fixed Transactions Costs, A.W. Lo and H. Mamaysky,Journal of Political Economy112 (No. 5), 1054-1090, 2004
R&D Expenditures and CEO Compensation, Shijun Cheng, The Accounting Review, April 2004
Family Values and the Star Phenomenon: Strategies of Mutual Fund Families, Vikram Nanda and Jay Wang,The Review of Financial Studies17 (3), 667-698
Institutional Trading and Stock Returns, Fang Cai,Finance Research Letters1 (3), 178-189
Incentive Contracting Versus Ownership Reforms: Evidence from China's Township and Village
Enterprises, Chun Chang , Brian P. McCall and Yijiang Wang, Journal of Comparative Economics31, 414-428, 2003
Progress and Peril in China's Modern Economy, Chun Chang, The Region-The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Paper Millionaires: How Valuable is Stock to a Stockholder Who is Restricted from Selling it? Liu Jun with Matthias Kahl and Francis Longstaff,Journal of Financial Economics, v67, n3, 385-410, March 2003
Dynamic Asset Allocation with Event Risk, Jun Liu , Jun Pan and Francis A. Longstaff,Journal of Finance, Vol. 58, pp. 231-259, 2003
Caballero meets Bewley: The permanent-income hypothesis in general equilibrium, Neng Wang,American Economic Review93 (3), 927-936, (2003)
Capital Gains Taxes and Portfolio Rebalancing, Robert M. Dammon, Chester S. Spatt and Harold H. Zhang,Research Dialogue, 75, 2003
Dynamic Derivative Strategies, Jun Pan, Jun Liu,Journal of Financial Economics, volume 69, pages 401--430, 2003
Dynamic Asset Allocation with Event Risk, Jun Pan, Jun Liu and Francis Longstaff,Journal of Finance, volume 58, pages 231--259, 2003
Evidence of Information Spillovers in the Production of Investment Banking Services, Benveniste, Lawrence, Alexander Ljungqvist, William Wilhelm, and Xiaoyun Yu,Journal of Finance58, 577‐608
Hedge Fund Returns: Auditing and Accuracy, Liang Bing,The Journal of Portfolio Management29 (Invited), 111-122
An Examination of Own Account Trading by Dual Traders in Futures Markets, Chakravarty, S., and K. L,Journal of Financial Economics, 69, 375-397
A Bayesian Analysis of a Variance Decomposition for Stock Returns, Hollifield, B., G. Koop, and K. Li,Journal of Empirical Finance, 10, 583-601
A Bayesian Analysis of Dual Trader Informativeness in Futures Markets, Chakravarty, S., and K. Li,Journal of Empirical Finance, 10, 355-371
Diversification Benefits of Emerging Markets Subject to Portfolio Constraints, Li, K., A. Sarkar, and Z. Wang,Journal of Empirical Finance10 (A Special Issue on Emerging Markets), 57-80
An Econometric Model of Birth Inputs and Outputs for Native Americans, Li, K., and D.J. Poirier,Journal of Econometrics, 113, 337-361
The Roles of Birth Inputs and Outputs in Predicting Health, Behavior, and Test Scores in Early Childhood, Li, K., and D.J. Poirier,Statistics in Medicine, 22, 3489-3514
Bayesian Analysis of an Econometric Model of Birth Inputs and Outputs, Li, K., and D.J. Poirier,Journal of Population Economics, 16, 597-625
Analyzing the Analysts: Career Concerns and Biased Earnings Forecasts, Hong Harrison, Jeffrey D. Kubik,Journal of Finance58 (2003), 313-351
Differences of Opinion, Short-Sales Constraints and Market Crashes, Hong Harrison, Jeremy C. Stein,Review of Financial Studies16 (2003), 487-525
Model Misspecification and Under Diversification, Raman Uppal and Tan Wang,Journal of Finance, Vol.58, 2003, 2465-2486
The Wealth Dynamics of Entrepreneurship for Black and White Families in the U.S, William D. Bradford,Review of Income and Wealth, Vol. 49, pp. 89-116, March 2003
Anomalous stock returns around internet firms’ earnings announcements, Zhang Xiaojun, Brett Trueman, M.H.Franco Wong,Journal of Accounting and EconomicsVolume 34, Issues 1–3, January 2003, Pages 249–271
Deposit Insurance: A Reconsideration, John Boyd , Chun Chang, and Bruce Smith,Journal of Monetary Economics49 (2002) 1235–1260
Brownian Approximations of Multiclass Open-Queueing Networks, Hong Chen, Xinyang Shen, and David D. Yao,Operations ResearchNovember/December 2002 50:1032-1049
Pricing Asian and Basket Options Via Taylor Expansion, Nengjiu Ju,Journal of Computational Finance, 5, 79-103, 2002
A Generalized Partially Linear Model of Asymmetric Volatility, GuoJun Wu and Zhijie Xiao,Journal of Empirical Finance, 9, 287-319
An Analysis of Risk Measures, GuoJun Wu and Zhijie Xiao,Journal of Risk, 4 (4), 53-75
Robust permanent income and pricing with filtering, Lars Peter Hansen, Thomas J. Sargent, Neng Wang,Macroeconomic Dynamics6, 40-84, (2002)
What Determines Expected International Asset Returns? Campbell Harvey and Bruno Solnik,Annals of Economics and Finance3, 2002, 83--127
Upstream Intergenerational Transfers, Frank A. Sloan, Harold H. Zhang and Jingshu Wang,Southern Economic Journal, 69, 363-380, 2002
The Jump-Risk Premia Implicit in Options: Evidence from an Integrated Time-Series Study, Pan Jun,Journal of Financial Economics, volume 63, pages 3--50, 2002
Optimal Portfolio Selection with Transaction Costs and Finite Horizons, Liu Hong, Mark Loewenstein,Review of Financial Studies15, 2002, 805-835
What Explains the Growth of Global Equity Markets? Li, Kai,Canadian Investment Review, Fall issue, 23-30
Should US Investors Hold Foreign Stocks?Li, K., and A. Sarkar,Current Issues in Economics andFinance, 8, 1-6
Strategic Trading and Learning about Liquidity, Harrison Hong, Sven Rady,Journal of Financial Markets5 (2002), 419-450
Breadth of Ownership and Stock Returns, Harrison Hong, Joseph Chen and Jeremy C.Stein,Journal of Financial Economics66 (2002), 171-205
Dynamic Volume-Return Relations of Individual Stocks, Jiang Wang, G. Llorente, R. Michaely, G.Saar,Review of Financial Studies15, 1005-1047, 2002
Strukturen in Fondsgeschaeft: Chance für Spezialisten, Paul Burik, Dr. O. Kruse, Bank und Markt
Accounting Conservatism, the Quality of Earnings, and Stock Returns, Xiaojun Zhang, Stephen H. Penman,The Accounting Review, Vol. 77, No. 2, Apr., 2002 ,Page 237 of 237-264
Revenue Recognition in a Multiperiod Agency Setting, Xiaojun Zhang, Sunil Dutta,Journal of Accounting ResearchVolume 40, Issue 1, pages 67–83, March 2002
Dynamic Models of the Term Structure, Hong Yan,Financial Analysts Journal, Vol. 57, No. 4, Jul. - Aug., 2001
EBIT-based Dynamic Capital Structure, Nengjiu Ju, Robert Goldstein, and Hayne Leland,Journal of Business, 74, 483-512, 2001
Counterparty Risk and the Pricing of Defaultable Securities, Fan Yu and Robert Jarrow,Journal of Finance56(5), 1765-1799
The Determinants of Asymmetric Volatility, GuoJun Wu,Review of Financial Studies, 14, 837-859
Floating-Fixed Credit Spreads, Darrell Duffie and Jun Liu,Financial Analysts Journal, Vol. 57, No. 3, May/June 2001
A Generalized Earning Model of Stock Valuation, Jun Liu with Andrew Ang,Review of Accounting Studies, V6, n4, December, 2001
Optimal Consumption and Investment with Capital Gains Taxes, Harold Zhang, Robert M. Dammon, Chester S. Spatt and Harold H. Zhang,Review of Financial Studies, 14, 583-616, 2001
Analytical Value-At-Risk with Jumps and Credit Risk, Jun Pan, Darrell Duffie,Finance and Stochastics, Volume 5, pages 155--180, 2001
Hedge Fund Performance: 1990-1999, Bing Liang,Financial Analysts Journal57 (Invited), 11-18, Jan./Feb. 2001
The Valuation of IPO and SEO Firms, Kai Li, Koop, G., and K. L,Journal of Empirical Finance, 8, 375-401
Using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth in the US to Study the Birth Process: A Bayesian Approach, Kai Li and D.J. Poirier,Research in Official Statistics, 4, 127-150
Forecasting Crashes: Trading Volume, Past Returns and Conditional Skewness in Stock Prices, Harrison Hong, Joseph Chen and Jeremy C. Stein,Journal of Financial Economics61 (2001), 345-381
Back to Basics: Forecasting the Revenues of Internet Firms, Brett Trueman, M. H. Franco Wong and Xiao-Jun Zhang,Review of Accounting Studies, 6, 305–329, 2001
Asymmetric Volatility and Risk in Equity Markets, GuoJun Wu and Geert Bekaert,Review of Financial Studies, 13, 1-42
Stability of Multiclass Queueing Networks Under Priority Service Disciplines, Hong Chen and Hanqin Zhang,Operations ResearchJanuary/February 2000 48:26-37
Choosing between Up-or-Out and Spot Contracts: Human Capital Investment versus Job-Matching Considerations, Chun Chang and Yijiang Wang,Annals of Economics and Finance, 1, 189-210, 2000
On Rate of Convergence of Discrete-time Contingent Claims, Guofu Zhou, Steve Heston,Mathematical Finance10, 2000, 53--75
Investment Horizon and the Cross Section of Expected Returns: Evidence from the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Guofu Zhou, Pin-Huang Chou and Yuan-Lin Hsu,Annals of Economics and Finance1, 2000, 79--100.
Explaining Bond Returns in Heterogeneous Agents Models: The Importance of Higher Order Moments, Harold Zhang, Nill,Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 24, 1381-1404, 2000
Fixed Costs and Asset Market Participation, Amir Yaron and Harold H. Zhang,Revista De Analisis Economico, 15, 89-109, 2000
Transform Analysis and Asset Pricing for Affine Jump-Diffusions, Jun Pan, Darrell Duffie and Kenneth Singleton,Econometrica, Volume 68, pages 1343--1376, 2000
Optimal Consumption of a Divisible Durable Good, Hong Liu, Domenico Cuoco,Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control24, 2000, 561-613
A Martingale Characterization of Consumption Choices and Hedging Costs with Margin Requirements, Hong Liu, Domenico Cuoco,Mathematical Finance10, 2000, 355-385
Hedge Funds: The Living and the Dead, Bing Liang,The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis35 (Invited), 309-326, Sept. 2000
Portfolio Formation, Measurement Errors, and Beta Shifts: A Random Sampling Approach, Bing Liang,The Journal of Financial Research23, 261-284, Fall 2000
Do All-stars Shine? An Evaluation of Analysts' Recommendations, Bing Liang, Hemang Desai and Ajai Singh,Financial Analysts Journal56, 20-29, May/June 2000
Bad News Travels Slowly: Size, Analyst Coverage and the Profitability of Momentum Strategie, Harrison Hong, Terence Lim and Jeremy C. Stein,Journal of Finance55 (2000), 265-296
Trading and Returns under Periodic Market Closures, Harrison Hong, Jiang Wang,Journal of Finance, 55 (2000), 297-354
A Model of Returns and Trading in Futures Markets, Harrison Hong,Journal of Finance55 (2000), 959-988
Security Analysts’ Career Concerns and Herding of Earnings Forecasts, Harrison Hong, Jeffrey D. Kubik and Amit Solomon Rand,Journal of Economics31 (2000), 121-144
Foundations of Technical Analysis: Computational Algorithms, Statistical Inference, and Empirical Implementation, Jiang Wang,A.W. Lo and H. Mamaysky,Journal of Finance55(2000), 1705-1770
Trading and Returns Under Periodic Market Closures,Jiang Wang,H. Hong,Journal of Finance55(2000), 297-354
Trading Volume: Definitions, Data Analysis, and Implications of Portfolio Theory, Jiang Wang, A.W. Lo,Review of Financial Studies13(2000), 257-300
Conservative accounting and equity valuation, Xiaojun Zhang,Journal of Accounting and Economics, Volume 29, Issue 1, February (2000), Pages 125–149
The Eyeballs Have It: Searching for the Value in Internet Stocks, Xiaojun Zhang, Brett Trueman, M. H. Franco Wong,Journal of Accounting Research,Vol. 38, (2000),Page 137-162
Capital Structure as Optimal Contracts, Chun Chang,North American Journal of Economics and Finance10, 363-385, 1999
An Approximate Formula for Pricing American Options, Nengjiu Ju and Rui Zhong,Journal of Derivatives, 7, 31-40, 1999
On the Performance of Hedge Funds, Bing Liang,Financial Analysts Journal55, 72-85Price Pressure: Evidence from the ‘Dartboard’ Column, Bing Liang,Journal of Business72 January (1999), 119-134
Testing Symmetry and Proportionality in PPP: A Panel Data Approach, Kai Li,Journal of Business and Economic Statistics,17(1999) 409-418
Exchange Rate Target Zone Models: A Bayesian Evaluation, Kai Li,Journal of Applied Econometrics, 14(1999), 461-490
Bayesian Analysis of Duration Models: An Application to Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, Kai Li,Economics Letters, 63(1999), 305-312
A Unified Theory of Underreaction, Momentum Trading and Overreaction in Asset Markets, Harrison Hong, Jeremy C. Stein,Journal of Finance54 (1999), 2143-2184
On the Theory of Forecast Horizon in Equity Valuation, Xiaojun Zhang, James A. Ohlson,Journal of Accounting Research(1999), Vol. 37, No. 2, Autumn
Is Money Smart? – A Study of Mutual Fund Investors’ Fund Selection Ability, Lu Zheng,The Journal of Finance54 (3), 901 – 933
Security Factors as Linear Combinations of Economic Variables, Guofu Zhou,Journal of Financial Markets2(1999), 403--432
Testing Multi-beta Pricing Models, Guofu Zhou, Raja Velu,Journal of Empirical Finance6(1999), 219--241,Journal of Finance54(1999), 1021--1048
An Investigation of the Risk and Return Relation at Long Horizons, Harold Zhang, Paul Harrison,Review of Economics and Statistics81(1999), 399-408
Pricing an American Option by Approximating Its Early Exercise Boundary As a Multi-Piece Exponential Function, Nengjiu Ju,Review of Financial Studies, 11, 627-646, 1998
Towards a Model of the Organizations in China as a Partially Reformed Developing Economy, Chun Chang and Yijiang Wang,China Economic Review1998
Moral Hazard Under Commercial and Universal Banking, John H. Boyd , Chun Chang and Bruce D. Smith,Journal of Money Credit and Banking, Vol. 30, No. 3, Part 2, August 1998
Overparameterization in Seminonparametric Density Estimation, Harold Zhang, Ming Liu,Economics Letters60(1998), 11-18
Bayesian Inference in a Simultaneous Equation Model with Limited Dependent Variables, Kai Li,Journal of Econometrics85(1998), 387-400
Accrual Accounting and Equity Valuation, Xiaojun Zhang, James A. Ohlson,Journal of Accounting Research,Vol. 36(1998),Page85-111
Some Empirical Implications of a Model of Human Capital Investment under Asymmetric Information, Chun Chang and Yijiang Wang,Research in Labor Economics, 16, 103-117, 1997
China’s Urban Industry, Chun Chang and Yijiang Wang,Regional Handbook of Economic and Political Development: Prospects onto the 21st Century, Chris Hudson ed., FitzRoy Dearborn Publishers, Chicago. 1997
Going to Extremes: Correcting Simulation Bias in Exotic Option Valuation, Guofu Zhou, Phil Dybvig and David Beaglehole,Financial Analysts Journal53(1997), 62--68
Endogenous Borrowing Constraints with Incomplete Markets, Harold Zhang,Journal of Finance52(1997), 2187-2209
Endogenous Short Sale Constraint, Stock Prices and Output Cycles, Harold Zhang,Macroeconomic Dynamics1(1997), 228-254
An Overview of Value at Risk, Jun Pan, Darrell Duffie,Journal of Derivatives, Spring (1997), 7-4
Market Structure, Security Prices and Informational Efficiency, Jiang Wang, J. Huang,Macroeconomic Dynamics1(1997), 169-205
Human Capital Investment under Asymmetric Information: the Pigovian Conjecture Revisited, Chun Chang and Yijiang Wang,Journal of Labor Economics, 14, 505-519, 1996
Temporary Components of Stock Returns: What Do the Data Tell Us?,Guofu Zhou, Chris Lamoureux,Review of Financial Studies9(1996), 1033--1059
Measuring the Pricing Error of the Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Guofu Zhou, John Geweke,Review of Financial Studies9(1996), 553--583
Volume, Volatility, and Leverage: A Dynamic Analysis, Harold Zhang, George Tauchen and Ming Liu,Journal of Econometrics74(1996), 177-208
A Framework for Understanding Differences in Employment Stability and Human Capital Investment, Chun Chang and Yijiang Wang,Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 28, 91-105, 1995,Journal of Econometrics, 74, 177-208, 1996
The Term Sturcture of Interest Rates In A Pure Exchange Economy With Heterogeneous Investors, Wang Jiang, Journal of Financial Economics 41, 75-110, 1996
Time-to-Build Effects and the Term Structure, Zhou Guofu, Jack Strauss,Journal of Financial Research18, 1995, 115-127
Small Sample Rank Tests with Applications to Asset Pricing, Guofu Zhou, Journal of Empirical Finance 2, 1995, 71-93
Differential Information and Dynamic Behavior of Stock Trading Volume, Wang Jiang, H. He,Review of Financial Studies8, 919-972, 1995
Implementing Option Pricing Formulas When Asset Returns Are Predictable, Wang Jiang, A.W. Lo,Journal of Finance50, 87-130, 1995
On Selectivity and Market Timing Ability of U.S.-Based International Mutual funds: Using Refined Jensen's Measure, Son-Nan Chen and Hoyoon Jang,GLOBAL FINANCE JOURNAL, Vol 5 No 1, Spring
The Nature of Township-Village Enterprises, Chun Chang and Yijiang Wang,Journal of Comparative Economics19, 434-452, 1994
A Model of Competitive Stock Trading Volume, Wang Jiang,Journal of Political Economy102, 127-167
Asset Pricing Tests Under Alternative Distributions, Guofu Zhou,Journal of Finance48, 1993, 1927-1942
International Asset Pricing with Alternative Distributional Specifications, Guofu Zhou, Campbell Harvey,Journal of Empirical Finance1, 1993, 107--131
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Payout Policy, Capital Structure, and Compensation Contracts when Managers Value Control, Chun Chang,Review of Financial Studies, Volume6, Issue 4 (Winter,1993), 911-933
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Algorithms for the Estimation of Possibly Nonstationary Time Series, Guofu Zhou,Journal of Time Series Analysis13, 1991, 171--188
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The Dynamic Structure of Optimal Debt Contracts, Chun Chang,Journal of Economic Theory, October, 1990
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Minority Savings and Loan Associations: Hypotheses and Tests Minority Savings and Loan Associations: Hypotheses and Tests, William D. Bradford,The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 13, No. 3 (Sep., 1978), pp. 533-547
The Performance of Merging Savings and Loan Associations, William D. Bradford,The Journal of Business, Vol. 51, No. 1 (Jan., 1978), pp. 115-125
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Price-Level Restated Accounting and the Measurement of Inflation Gains and Losses: A Reply, William D. Bradford,The Accounting Review, Vol. 50, No. 3 (Jul., 1975), pp. 586-587
Inflation and the Value of the Firm: Monetary and Depreciation Effects, William D. Bradford,Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 40, No. 3 (Jan., 1974), pp. 414-427
Price-Level Restated Accounting and the Measurement of Inflation Gains and Losses, William D. Bradford,The Accounting Review, Vol. 49, No. 2 (Apr., 1974), pp. 296-305