

Emre Ozdenoren教授现任上海高级金融学院访问研究教授、伦敦商学院经济学教授、英国经济政策研究中心(CEPR)研究员。2008年之前Ozdenoren教授曾任美国密西根大学副教授(终身教职),并于2003年在美国西北大学凯洛格管理学院担任客座助理教授。

Emre Ozdenoren教授的主要研究领域有不确定性和风险下的决策、行为经济学、合同理论、以及金融经济学等。Emre Ozdenoren教授在Review of Economic Studies,Journal of Finance,Journal of Economic Theory等顶级经济学、金融学术期刊上发表20多篇论文。Emre Ozdenoren教授现任伦敦商学院经济学课程讲席教授,因工作出色获得了众多基金项目的资助,并曾于2009年获《美国经济评论》的杰出评审奖(Excellence in Refereeing Award)。

  • 期刊论文

    1. Ozdenoren, Emre, and Kathy Yuan. 2017.Contractual Externalities and Systemic Risk,The Review of Economic Studies.

    2. Goldstein, Itay, Emre Ozdenoren, and Kathy Yuan. 2013.Trading Frenzies and Their Impact on Real Investment,Journal of Financial Economics.

    3. Chen, Yan, Peter Katuščák, and Emre Ozdenoren. 2013.Why can't a woman bid more like a man?,Games and Economic Behavior.

    4. Ozdenoren, Emre, Stephen Salantz, and Dan Silverman. 2012.Willpower and the Optimal Control of Visceral Urges,Journal of the European Economic Association.

    5. Hoppe, Heidrun C., Benny Moldovanu, and Emre Ozdenoren. 2011.Coarse Matching with Incomplete Information,Economic Theory.

    6. Goldstein, Itay, Emre Ozdenoren, and Kathy Yuan. 2011.Learning and Complementarities: Implications for Speculative Attacks,The Review of Economic Studies.

  • 工作论文

    1. , 2020,Should I stay or should I go (out): The role of trust and norms in disease prevention during pandemics.

    2. Ozdenoren, Yuan, Zhang, 2019,Dynamic Coordination with Flexible Security Design.

    3. Hoppe, Kastenos, Ozdenoren, 2019,Experimentation, Learning and Preemption.

    4. Emre Ozdenoren, Kathy Yuan, Shengxing Zhang,Safe Assets as Collateral Multipliers.
