侯恪惟教授现任上海高级金融学院金融学特聘教授、美国俄亥俄州立大学菲舍尔商学院Ric Dillon投资学讲席教授。
侯恪惟教授的主要研究领域是资产定价、市场效率、行为金融学、实证公司金融、资本市场会计研究,在国际顶级期刊Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Review of Finance, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis和Management Science发表多篇论文。
侯恪惟教授是Journal of Empirical Finance的主编,Journal of Banking and Finance和Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies的副主编、Charles A. Dice金融研究中心和中国金融研究院(CAFR)研究员。他曾获得计量金融研究会、欧洲计量投资研究会、英国计量投资研究会、BSI GAMMA基金会、芝加哥计量投资联盟以及香港研究资助局的研究基金。
1. Hou, Kewei, Haitao Mo, Chen Xue, and Lu Zhang. 2022.The Economics of Security Analysis,Management Science.
2. Bao, Jack, Kewei Hou, and Shaojun Zhang. 2023.Systematic Default and Return Predictability in the Stock and Bond Markets,Journal of Financial Economics.
3. Bartram, Söhnke M, Kewei Hou, and Sehoon Kim. 2022.Real effects of climate policy: Financial constraints and spillovers,Journal of Financial Economics.
4. Hou, Kewei, Po-Hsuan Hsu, Shiheng Wang, Akiko Watanabe, and Yan Xu. 2021.Corporate R&D and Stock Returns: International Evidence,Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
5. Hou, Kewei, Haitao Mo, Chen Xue, and Lu Zhang. 2021.An Augmented q-factor Model with Expected Growth,Review of Finance.
6. Hou, Kewei, Chen Xue, and Lu Zhang. 2020.Replicating Anomalies,Review of Financial Studies.
7. Bai, Hang, Kewei Hou, Howard Kung, Erica X.N. Li, and Lu Zhang. 2019.The CAPM Strikes Back? An Equilibrium Model with Disasters,Journal of Financial Economics.
8. Hou, Kewei, and Mathijs A. van Dijk. 2019.Resurrecting the Size Effect: Firm Size, Profitability Shocks, and Expected Stock Returns,Review of Financial Studies.
9. Hou, Kewei, Haitao Mo, Chen Xue, and Lu Zhang. 2019.Which Factors?,Review of Finance.
10. Bao, Jack, and Kewei Hou. 2017.De Facto Seniority, Credit Risk, and Corporate Bond Prices,Review of Financial Studies.
11. Hou, Kewei, and Roger K. Loh. 2016.Have we solved the idiosyncratic volatility puzzle?,Journal of Financial Economics.
12. Hou, Kewei, Chen Xue, and Lu Zhang. 2015.Digesting Anomalies: An Investment Approach,Review of Financial Studies.
13. Hou, Kewei, Mathijs A. van Dijk, and Yinglei Zhang. 2012.The Implied Cost of Capital: A New Approach,Journal of Accounting & Economics.
14. Hirshleifer, David, Kewei Hou, and Siew Hong Teoh. 2012.The Accrual Anomaly: Risk or Mispricing?,Management Science.
15. Hou, Kewei, G. Andrew Karolyi, and Bong-Chan Kho. 2011.What Factors Drive Global Stock Returns?,Review of Financial Studies.
16. Hirshleifer, David, Kewei Hou, and Siew Hong Teoh. 2009.Accruals, Cash Flows, and Aggregate Stock Returns,Journal of Financial Economics.
17. Hou, Kewei. 2007.Industry Information Diffusion and the Lead-Lag Effect in Stock Returns,Review of Financial Studies.
18. Hou, Kewei, and David Robinson. 2006.Industry Concentration and Average Stock Returns,Journal of Finance.
19. Hou, Kewei, and Tobias Moskowitz. 2005.Market Frictions, Price Delay, and the Cross-Section of Expected Returns,Review of Financial Studies.
20. Hirshleifer, David, Kewei Hou, Siew Hong Teoh, and Yinglei Zhang. 2004.Do Investors Overvalue Firms with Bloated Balance Sheets?,Journal of Accounting & Economics.