程仕军博士的研究兴趣集中在公司治理、股权结构、薪酬激励、和管理会计等领域。他的有关研究成果发表在The Accounting Review,Contemporary Accounting Research,The Review of Financial Studies, 和Journal of Financial Economics等世界顶尖学术刊物上。曾任或担任Contemporary Accounting Research和China Journal of Accounting Research的编委、首届《中国工业经济》学术委员会委员、以及会计与金融领域的多家世界顶尖学术刊物的特约审稿人。
1. Cao, Yi, Shijun Cheng, Jenny Tucker, Chi Wan. 2023.Technological Peer Pressure and Skill Specificity of Job Postings,Contemporary Accounting Research.
2. Cheng, Shijun, Robert Felix, and Raffi Indjejikian. 2019.Spillover Effects of Internal Control Weakness Disclosures: The Role of Audit Committees and Board Connections,Contemporary Accounting Research.
3. Cheng, Shijun, Robert Felix, and Yijiang Zhao. 2019.Board interlock Networks and Informed Short Sales,Journal of Banking & Finance.
4. Cheng, Shijun, Augustine Duru, and Yijiang Zhao. 2017.Antitakeover legislation and accounting conservatism: New evidence,Journal of Accounting and Public Policy.
5. Cheng, Shijun, and R. Indjejikian. 2009.The Market for Corporate Control and CEO Compensation: Complements or Substitutes?,Contemporary Accounting Research.
6. Cheng, Shijun. 2008.Board Size and the Variability of Corporate Performance,Journal of Financial Economics.
7. Cheng, Shijun, Venky Nagar and Madhav V. Rajan. 2007.Insider Trades and Private Information: A Special Case of Delayed-disclosure,Review of Financial Studies.
8. Cheng, Shijun, Venky Nagar and Madhav V. Rajan . 2005.Identifying Control Motives in Managerial Ownership: Evidence from Antitakeover Legislation,Review of Financial Studies.
9. Cheng, Shijun. 2004.R&D Expenditures and CEO Compensation,The Accounting Review.