上海交通大学上海高级金融学院工业工程与运筹学特聘教授 、密西根大学工业工程与运筹学迪士尼讲席教授
赵修利教授在运筹学与管理科学的数个领域都做出过重要贡献,包括随机优化、金融工程、库存控制和供应链管理等。他在国际一流学术期刊发表论文100余篇,这些期刊包括Operations Research, Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Mathematics of Operations Research, Operations Research Letters, Production and Operations Management, IIE Transactions, Naval Research Logistics, Stochastic Processes and Applications, Advances in Applied Probability, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control等。作为Lekin排队系统软件的主要开发者之一,赵修利教授还出版了两本专著,分别是"Operations Scheduling with Applications in Manufacturing and Services" (Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1998)和"Queueing Networks: Customers, Signals, and Product Form Solutions"(John Wiley & Sons, 1999)。
赵修利教授分享1998年美国运筹与管理科学联合会(INFORMS)的Erlang 奖。他还于2005年荣获工业工程协会(IIE)的最高奖“David Baker杰出研究奖”、2002年获得中国自然科学基金会海外杰出青年基金奖、2004年获得中国科学院海外杰出科学家奖。在2014年他还获得美国密西根大学的Jon and Beverly Holt杰出教学奖。他是INFORMS和IIE的Fellow。
赵修利教授现任国际学术期刊Operations Research Letters 的部门主编(Area Editor)。他还是Operations Research, Management Science, Naval Research Logistics, and Journal of Operations Research Society of China等学术期刊的编委(Associate Editor)。
1. Miao, Sentao, Xi Chen, Xiuli Chao, Jiaxi Liu, and Yidong Zhang.Context-Based Dynamic Pricing with Online Clustering,Production and Operations Management.
2. Bu, Jinzhi, Xiting Gong, and Xiuli Chao.Asymptotic Optimality of Base-Stock Policies for Perishable Inventory Systems,Management Science.
3. Miao, Sentao, Stefanus Jasin, and Xiuli Chao. 2022.Asymptotically Optimal Lagrangian Policies for Multi-Warehouse, Multi-Store Systems with Lost Sales,Operations Research.
4. Chen, Boxiao, Xiuli Chao, and Cong Shi. 2021.Nonparametric Learning Algorithms for Joint Pricing and Inventory Control with Lost Sales and Censored Demand,Mathematics of Operations Research.
5. Miao, Sentao, and Xiuli Chao. 2021.Dynamic Joint Assortment and Pricing Optimization with Demand Learning,Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
6. Xu, Zhengtian, Yafeng Yin, Xiuli Chao, Hongtu Zhu, and Jieping Ye. 2021.A generalized fluid model of ride-hailing systems,Transportation Research Part B-Methodological.
7. Chen, Boxiao, and Xiuli Chao. 2020.Dynamic Inventory Control with Stockout Substitution and Demand Learning,Management Science.
8. Chen, Boxiao, Xiuli Chao, and Yining Wang. 2020.Technical Note—Data-Based Dynamic Pricing and Inventory Control with Censored Demand and Limited Price Changes,Operations Research.
9. Zhang, Huanan, Xiuli Chao, and Cong Shi. 2020.Closing the Gap: A Learning Algorithm for Lost-Sales Inventory Systems with Lead Times,Management Science.
10. Chen, Boxiao, Xiuli Chao, and Hyun-Soo Ahn. 2019.Coordinating Pricing and Inventory Replenishment with Nonparametric Demand Learning,Operations Research.
11. King, Gregory J, Xiuli Chao, and Izak Duenyas. 2019.Who Benefits When Prescription Drug Manufacturers Offer Copay Coupons?,Management Science.
12. Chen, B. and Xiuli Chao. 2019.Parametric demand learning with limited price explorations in a backlog stochastic inventory system,Iise Transactions.
13. Huang, M., H. Tu, Xiuli Chao, and D. Jin. 2019.Quality risk in logistics outsourcing: A fourth party logistics perspective,European Journal of Operational Research.
14. Chao, Xiuli, Xiting Gong, Cong Shi, Chaolin Yang, Huanan Zhang, and Sean X Zhou. 2018.Approximation Algorithms for Capacitated Perishable Inventory Systems with Positive Lead Times,Management Science.
15. Zhang, Huanan, Xiuli Chao, and Cong Shi. 2018.Technical Note—Perishable Inventory Systems: Convexity Results for Base-Stock Policies and Learning Algorithms Under Censored Demand,Operations Research.
16. Gwaiz, Majid Al, Xiuli Chao, and Owen Q Wu. 2017.Understanding How Generation Flexibility and Renewable Energy Affect Power Market Competition,Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
17. Miao, Sentao, Xiuli Chao, M. Tamor, Yan Fu, and Margaret Strumolo. 2017.Cost-Effective Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions via Cross-Sector Purchases of Renewable Energy Certificates,SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing.
18. Yan, X., Y. Lu, Xiuli Chao, and S. X. Zhou. 2017.Optimal Policies for Selling New and Remanufactured Products,Production and Operations Management.
19. Al-Gwaiz, M., Xiuli Chao, and E. Romeijn. 2016.Capacity expansion and cost efficiency improvement in the warehouse problem,Naval Research Logistics.
20. Dai, Yue, and Xiuli Chao. 2016.Price delegation and salesforce contract design with asymmetric risk aversion coefficient of sales agents,International Journal of Production Economics.
21. Chen, Boxiao, Erica Klampfl, Margaret Strumolo, Yan Fu, Xiuli Chao, and Michael A. Tamor. 2016.Optimal investment strategies for light duty vehicle and electricity generation sectors in a carbon constrained world,Annals of Operations Research.
22. Zhang, Huanan, Cong Shi, and Xiuli Chao. 2016.Technical Note—Approximation Algorithms for Perishable Inventory Systems with Setup Costs,Operations Research.
23. King, Gregory J, Xiuli Chao, and Izak Duenyas. 2016.Dynamic Customer Acquisition and Retention Management,Production and Operations Management.
24. Chen, Boxiao, Xiuli Chao, Yan Fu, Margaret Strumolo, and Michael Tamor. 2015.Potential Natural Gas Impact on Cost Efficient Capacity Planning for Automakers and Electricity Generators in a Carbon Constrained World,SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing.
25. Yao, Dacheng, Xiuli Chao, and Jingchen Wu. 2015.OPTIMAL CONTROL POLICY FOR A BROWNIAN INVENTORY SYSTEM WITH CONCAVE ORDERING COST,Journal of Applied Probability.
26. Chao, Xiuli, Qi-Ming He, and Sheldon Ross. 2015.Tollbooth tandem queues with infinite homogeneous servers,Journal of Applied Probability.
27. Chao, Xiuli, Xiting Gong, Cong Shi, and Huanan Zhang. 2015.Approximation Algorithms for Perishable Inventory Systems,Operations Research.
28. Yao, D. C., Xiuli Chao, and J. Wu. 2015.Optimal control policy for a Brownian inventory system with concave ordering cost,Journal of Applied Probability.
29. Wu, Jingchen, and Xiuli Chao. 2014.Optimal Control of a Brownian Production/Inventory System with Average Cost Criterion,Mathematics of Operations Research.
30. Gong, Xiting, Xiuli Chao, and David Simchi-Levi. 2014.Dynamic inventory control with limited capital and short-term financing,Naval Research Logistics.
31. Shi, Cong, Huanan Zhang, Xiuli Chao, and Retsef Levi. 2014.Approximation algorithms for capacitated stochastic inventory systems with setup costs,Naval Research Logistics.
32. He, Qiming, and Xiuli Chao. 2014.A tollbooth tandem queue with heterogeneous servers,European Journal of Operational Research.
33. Saghafian, Soroush, and Xiuli Chao. 2014.The impact of operational decisions on the design of salesforce incentives,Naval Research Logistics.
34. Wu, Peng, Xiuli Chao, and Jian Chen. 2014.On the replenishment policy considering less expensive but non-committed supply,Operations Research Letters.
35. Gong, Xiting, Xiuli Chao, and Shaohui Zheng. 2014.Dynamic Pricing and Inventory Management with Dual Suppliers of Different Lead Times and Disruption Risks,Production and Operations Management.
36. Chao, Xiuli, Xiting Gong, and Shaohui Zheng. 2014.Optimal pricing and inventory policies with reliable and random-yield suppliers: characterization and comparison,Annals of Operations Research.
37. Zhou, Sean X., and Xiuli Chao. 2014.Dynamic Pricing and Inventory Management with Regular and Expedited Supplies,Production and Operations Management.
38. Zhou, Wenhui, Xiuli Chao, and Xiting Gong. 2014.Optimal Uniform Pricing Strategy of a Service Firm When Facing Two Classes of Customers,Production and Operations Management.
39. Dai, Yue, and Xiuli Chao. 2013.Salesforce contract design and inventory planning with asymmetric risk-averse sales agents,Operations Research Letters.
40. Gong, Xiting, and Xiuli Chao. 2013.Technical Note-Optimal Control Policy for Capacitated Inventory Systems with Remanufacturing,Operations Research.
41. Zhou, Wenhui, and Xiuli Chao. 2012.Stein-Chen approximation and error bounds for order fill rates in assemble-to-order systems,Naval Research Logistics.
42. Fu, Qi, Sean X. Zhou, Xiuli Chao, and Chung-Yee Lee. 2012.Combined Pricing and Portfolio Option Procurement,Production and Operations Management.
43. Chao, Xiuli, Baimei Yang, and Yifan Xu. 2012.Dynamic inventory and pricing policy in a capacitated stochastic inventory system with fixed ordering cost,Operations Research Letters.
44. Chao, Xiuli, Yifan Xu, and Baimei Yang. 2012.OPTIMAL POLICY FOR A PRODUCTION–INVENTORY SYSTEM WITH SETUP COST AND AVERAGE COST CRITERION,Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences.
45. Shu, Tong, Shou Chen, Shouyang Wang, and Xiuli Chao. 2011.SUPPLY CHAIN COLLABORATIVE FORECASTING METHODS BASED ON FACTORS,International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management.
46. Shu, Tong, Shou Chen, Xiuli Chao, and Kin Keung Lai. 2011.Hierarchical economic information filtering model concerning vendor selection,International Journal of Revenue Management.
47. Gao, Fei, Frank Y Chen, and Xiuli Chao. 2011.Joint optimal ordering and weather hedging decisions: mean-CVaR model,Journal of Flexible Manufacturing and Services.
48. Zhou, Sean X, Zhijie Tao, and Xiuli Chao. 2011.Optimal Control of Inventory Systems with Multiple Types of Remanufacturable Products,Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
49. Zhou, Sean X., and Xiuli Chao. 2010.Newsvendor bounds and heuristics for serial supply chains with regular and expedited shipping,Naval Research Logistics.
50. Wu, Jun, Shouyang Wang, Xiuli Chao, C.T Ng, and T.C.E. Cheng. 2010.Impact of risk aversion on optimal decisions in supply contracts,International Journal of Production Economics.
51. Tong, S., S. Chen, S. Wang, and Xiuli Chao. 2010.Forecasting in supply chains based on indices,Systems Engineering.
52. Chao, Xiuli, and Sean X. Zhou. 2009.Optimal Policy for a Multiechelon Inventory System with Batch Ordering and Fixed Replenishment Intervals,Operations Research.
53. Cai, Gangshu, Xiuli Chao, and Jianbin Li. 2009.Optimal Reserve Prices in the Name-Your-Own-Price Channel of a Dual Channel Market,Production and Operations Management.
54. Xu, Yifan, and Xiuli Chao. 2009.DYNAMIC PRICING AND INVENTORY CONTROL FOR A PRODUCTION SYSTEM WITH AVERAGE PROFIT CRITERION,Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences.
55. Chao, Xiuli, Hong Chen, and Shaohui Zheng. 2009.Dynamic Capacity Expansion for a Service Firm with Capacity Deterioration and Supply Uncertainty,Operations Research.
56. Chao, Xiuli, Hong Chen, and Shaohui Zheng. 2008.Joint replenishment and pricing decisions in inventory systems with stochastically dependent supply capacity,European Journal of Operational Research.
57. Chao, Xiuli, Sridhar Seshadri, and Michael Pinedo,. 2008.Optimal capacity in a coordinated supply chain,Naval Research Logistics.
58. Chao, Xiuli, Jia Chen, and Shouyang Wang. 2008.Dynamic inventory management with cash flow constraints,Naval Research Logistics.
59. Chao, Xiuli, and Paul H Zipkin. 2008.Optimal Policy for a Periodic-review Inventory System under Supply Capacity Contract,Operations Research.
60. Zhou, Sean X., Xiuli Chao, and Chung-Yee Lee. 2008.Optimal transportation policies for production/inventory systems with an unreliable and a reliable carrier,Journal of Global Optimization.
61. Li, Wei, and Xiuli Chao. 2007.Call admission control for an adaptive heterogeneous multimedia mobile network,Ieee Transactions on Wireless Communications.
62. Chao, Xiuli, and Sean X. Zhou. 2007.Probabilistic solution and bounds for serial inventory systems with discounted and average costs,Naval Research Logistics.
63. Cai, Gangshu, Peter R Wurman, and Xiuli Chao. 2007.THE NON-EXISTENCE OF EQUILIBRIUM IN SEQUENTIAL AUCTIONS WHEN BIDS ARE REVEALED,Journal of Electronic Commerce Research.
64. Chao, Xiuli, and Ayyar Rahman. 2006.Analysis and Computational Algorithm for Queues with State-Dependent Vacations I: G/M(n)/1/K,Journal of Systems Science & Complexity.
65. Chao, Xiuli, and Sean X. Zhou. 2006.Joint inventory-and-pricing strategy for a stochastic continuous-review system,Iie Transactions.
66. Chao, Xiuli, and Ayyar Rahman. 2006.Analysis and Computational Algorithm for Queues with State-Dependent Vacations I: G/M(n)/1/K,Journal of Systems Science & Complexity.
67. Ji, Xiaodong, Xiujuan Zhao, and Xiuli Chao. 2006.A Novel Method for Multistage Scenario Generation Based on Cluster Analysis,International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making.
68. Dai, Yue, Xiuli Chao, Shu-Cherng Fang, and Henry L.W Nuttle. 2006.Capacity allocation with traditional and Internet channels,Naval Research Logistics.
69. Dai, Yue, Xiuli Chao, Shu-Cherng Fang, and Henry L. W. Nuttle. 2006.CAPACITY ALLOCATION AND INVENTORY POLICY IN A DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM,Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research.
70. Ling, Xiaoli, Shu-Cherng Fang, Herry LW Nuttle, and Xiuli Chao. 2005.Pooled Versus Reserved Inventory in a Two-Echelon Supply Chain,International Journal of Operations Research.
71. Yu, Mei, Shou-Yang Wang, K. K. Lai, and Xiuli Chao. 2005.Multiperiod Portfolio Selection Based on a Minimax Rule,Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulse Systems.
72. Dai, Yue, Xiuli Chao, Shu-Cherng Fang, and Henry L. W. Nuttle. 2005.Game Theoretic Analysis of a Distribution System with Customer Market Search,Annals of Operations Research.
73. Chao, Xiuli, K. K. Lai, Shou-Yang Wang, and Mei Yu. 2005.Optimal Consumption Portfolio and No-Arbitrage with Nonproportional Transaction Costs,Annals of Operations Research.
74. Chao, Xiuli, and Frank Y Chen. 2005.An Optimal Production and Shutdown Strategy when a Supplier Offers an Incentive Program,Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
75. Dai, Yue, Xiuli Chao, Shu-Cherng Fang, and Henry L.W. Nuttle. 2005.Pricing in revenue management for multiple firms competing for customers,International Journal of Production Economics.
76. Chao, Xiuli, and Wei Li. 2005.Performance Analysis of a Cellular Network with Multiple Classes of Calls,Ieee Transactions on Communications.
77. Li, W, and Xiuli Chao. 2004.Modeling and performance evaluation of a cellular mobile network,ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking.
78. Agrawal, Vipul, Xiuli Chao, and Sridhar Seshadri. 2004.Dynamic balancing of inventory in supply chains,European Journal of Operational Research.
79. Zheng, Yuxi, Xiuli Chao, and Xiaomei Ji. 2004.TRANSIENT ANALYSIS OF LINEAR BIRTH–DEATH PROCESSES WITH IMMIGRATION AND EMIGRATION,Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences.
80. Chao, Xiuli, and Hsing Paul Luh. 2004.A Stochastic Directional Convexity Result and Its Application in Comparison of Queues,Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications.
81. Boucherie, Richard J, Xiuli Chao, and Masakiyo Miyazawa. 2003.Arrival first queueing networks with applications in kanban production systems,Performance Evaluation.
82. Chao, Xiuli, and Yuxi Zheng. 2003.TRANSIENT ANALYSIS OF IMMIGRATION BIRTH–DEATH PROCESSES WITH TOTAL CATASTROPHES,Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences.
83. Chao, Xiuli, Liming Liu, and Shaohui Zheng. 2003.Resource Allocation in Multisite Service Systems with Intersite Customer Flows,Management Science.
84. Chao, Xiuli, and Indrajit Bardhan. 2002.Analysis of Incomplete Stock Market with Jump-Diffusion Uncertainty,Journal of Systems Science & Complexity.
85. Chao, Xiuli. 2001.Queueing networks with instantaneous sequential transitions,Journal of Systems Science & Complexity.
86. Chao, Xiuli, W Henderson, and P. G. Taylor. 2001.State-Dependent Coupling in General Networks,Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications.
87. Boucherie, Richardus J., and Xiuli Chao. 2001.Queueing networks with string transitions of mixed vector additions and vector removals,Journal of Systems Science & Complexity.
88. Chao, Xiuli, and Masakiyo Miyazawa. 2000.Queueing Networks with Instantaneous Movements: A Unified Approach by Quasi-Reversibility,Advances in Applied Probability.
89. Chao, Xiuli, and Shaohui Zheng. 2000.Triggered Concurrent Batch Arrivals and Batch Departures in Queueing Networks,Discrete Event Dynamic Systems-Theory and Applications.
90. Chao, Xiuli, and Masakiyo Miyazawa. 2000.ON TRUNCATION PROPERTIES OF FINITE-BUFFER QUEUES AND QUEUEING NETWORKS,Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences.
91. Chao, Xiuli, and C. Scott. 2000.Several Results on Queueing System Designs,Operations Research.
92. Asadathorn, Nutthapol, and Xiuli Chao. 1999.A decomposition approximation for assembly-disassembly queueing networks with finite buffer and blocking,Annals of Operations Research.
93. Spasovic, Lazar N., Alexios Sideris, Sanchoy Das, and Xiuli Chao. 1999.Increasing Productivity and Service Quality of the Straddle Carrier Operations at a Container Port Terminal,Journal of Advanced Transportation.
94. Chao, Xiuli, and Yiqiang Q Zhao. 1998.Analysis of multi-server queues with station and server vacations,European Journal of Operational Research.
95. Chao, Xiuli, and Shaohui Zheng. 1998.A Result on Networks of Queues with Customer Coalescence and State Dependent Signaling,Journal of Applied Probability.
96. Chao, Xiuli, M. Miyazawa, R. F. Serfozo, and H. Takada. 1998.Markov network processes with product form stationary distributions,Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications.
97. Chao, Xiuli, and Masakiyo Miyazawa. 1998.On Quasi-Reversibility and Local Balance: An Alternative Derivation of the Product-Form Results,Operations Research.
98. Li, Wei, Dinghua Shi and Xiuli Chao. 1997.Reliability analysis of M/G/1 queueing systems with server breakdowns and vacations,Journal of Applied Probability.
99. Chao, Xiuli. 1997.Partial balances in batch arrival batch service and assemble-transfer queueing networks,Journal of Applied Probability.
100. Chao, Xiuli, Jifa Gu, and Pingxian Hu. 1997.QUEUEING NETWORK MODELING AND ANALYSIS IN THE DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF SEAPORT SYSTEMS,Journal of Systems Science & Complexity.
101. Chao, Xiuli, Hong Chen, and Wei Li. 1997.OPTIMAL CONTROL FOR A TANDEM NETWORK OF QUEUES WITH BLOCKING,Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica-English Series.
102. Chao, Xiuli, and Michael Pinedo. 1996.An Assembly Network of Queues with Product Form Solution,Journal of Applied Probability.
103. Bardhan, Indrajit, and Xiuli Chao. 1996.Stochastic multi-agent equilibria in economies with jump-diffusion uncertainty,Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control.
104. Bardhan, Indrajit, and Xiuli Chao. 1996.On Risk Neutral Measures for Economic Equilibrium Models with Random Crash in Stock Prices,Stochastic Processes and Their Applications.
105. Dai, Liyi, and Xiuli Chao. 1996.Comparing single-server loss systems in random environment,Ieee Transactions on Automatic Control.
106. Chao, Xiuli, and J. Gu. 1996.Production Control of a Manufacturing System with Random Machine Breakdowns,Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering.
107. Bardhan, Indrajit, and Xiuli Chao. 1995.Point Processes and Risk Neutral Measure for Utility Maximizations in Market with Discontinuous Returns,Mathematics of Operations Research.
108. Chao, Xiuli, and Michael Pinedo. 1995.Networks of queues with customers, signals, and product form solutions,Operations Research Letters.
109. Chao, Xiuli. 1995.Networks of Queues with Customers, Signals and Arbitrary Service Time Distributions,Operations Research.
110. Chao, Xiuli, S. K. Das and P. Nagendra. 1995.Prioritization of Kanbans in the case of a single station serving multiple downstream stations,International Journal of Production Research.
111. Bardhan, Indrajit, and Xiuli Chao. 1995.Martingale Analysis for Assets with Discontinuous Returns,Mathematics of Operations Research.
112. Chao, Xiuli, and Michael Pinedo. 1995.On Queueing Networks with Signals and History-Dependent Routing,Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences.
113. Chao, Xiuli. 1995.Monotone effect of dependency between interarrival and service times in a simple queueing system,Operations Research Letters.
114. Chao, Xiuli, and Liyi Dai. 1995.A Monotonicity Result for a Single-Server Loss System,Journal of Applied Probability.
115. Chao, Xiuli. 1995.A queueing network model with catastrophes and product form solution,Operations Research Letters.
116. Chao, Xiuli. 1994.A Priority Tandem Queue with No Intermediate Buffer,Journal of Operations Research Society.
117. Chao, Xiuli. 1994.A Note On Networks of Queues with Signals and Random Triggering Times,Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences.
118. Chao, Xiuli. 1994.Optimal intensity allocation of single-server queueing networks,International Journal of Systems Science.
119. Chao, Xiuli. 1993.On Klimov's model by two job classes and exponential processing times,Journal of Applied Probability.
120. Bardhan, Indrajit, and Xiuli Chao. 1993.Pricing options on securities with discontinuous returns,Stochastic Processes and Their Applications.
121. Chao, Xiuli, and Michael Pinedo. 1993.On Generalized Networks of Queues with Positive and Negative Arrivals,Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences.
122. Chen, Hong, Ping Yang, David D Yao, and Xiuli Chao. 1993.Optimal control of a simple assembly system,Operations Research Letters.
123. Chang, Cheng-Shang, Xiuli Chao, Michael Pinedo, and Richard Weber. 1992.On the optimality of LEPT and cµ rules for machines in parallel,Journal of Applied Probability.
124. Chao, Xiuli, and Michael Pinedo. 1992.On reversibility of tandem queues with blocking,Naval Research Logistics.
125. Pinedo, Michael, Dequan Shaw, and Xiuli Chao. 1992.On Optimal Permutation Scheduling in Stochastic Proportionate Flowshops,Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences.
126. Chao, Xiuli. 1992.On the departure processes of M/M/1/N and GI/G/1/N queues,Advances in Applied Probability.
127. Chang, Cheng-Shang, Xiuli Chao, and Michael Pinedo. 1991.Monotonicity results for queues with doubly stochastic Poisson arrivals: Ross's conjecture,Advances in Applied Probability.
128. Chang, C.-S, Xiuli Chao, M. Pinedo, and J. G. Shanthikumar. 1991.Stochastic convexity for multidimensional processes and its applications,Ieee Transactions on Automatic Control.
129. Chao, Xiuli, and Michael Pinedo. 1990.On Two Servers in Tandem with No Intermediate Buffer and Batches Arriving According to a Poisson Process,Stochastic Models.
130. Chang, Cheng-Shang, Xiuli Chao, and Michael Pinedo. 1990.Integration of Discrete-Time Correlated Markov Processes on a TDM System : I Structural Results,Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences.
131. Chao, Xiuli, Michael Pinedo, and Karl Sigman. 1989.On the Interchangeability and Stochastic Ordering of Exponential Queues in Tandem with Blocking,Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences.