| SAIF - 上海高级金融学院
Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance ThinkTank
SAIF ThinkTank is the research platform of Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Leveraging SAIF's research strengths and collaborating with domestic and international experts and scholars, it focuses on overarching, forward-looking, and strategic matters integral to Shanghai's growth as an international financial center.
Aligned with national economic and financial strategies and policy frameworks and adhering to the objective of cultivate a robust financial system, SAIF ThinkTank conducts in-depth research in critical areas including sci-tech innovation finance, sustainable finance, and digital finance.
It does so through pivotal research projects, specialized seminars, forums and summits—facilitating exchange between academic, theoretical, policy, and applied research. SAIF ThinkTank also continually provides high-caliber research reports and policy recommendations.
Staying true to its mission of building a top think tank, SAIF ThinkTank is dedicated to establishing itself as a global academic authority on Chinese economic and financial research and an insights hub in China for global economic and financial research.
Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance
211 West Huaihai Road, Shanghai
China 200030
5th Floor, West Tower, World Financial Centre (WFC)
No. 1 Dong San Huan Middle Road
Chaoyang District, Beijing, China 100020
1203 Tower7, One Shenzhen Bay,
Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China 518000
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