| SAIF | 高金 | 上海高级金融学院
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01、顶尖师资 全球资源

--上海高级金融学院与凯瑞商学院强强联手,汇集全球著名的金融和管理学师资,100% 欧美著名商学院博士学位和终身教职,超过70% 直接用中文授课,超过50% 为所在领域的讲席教授。

The faculty includes some of the world's most influential thinkers. Through joint collaboration between ASU and SAIF, all faculty members participating in the program are world class experts on China’s economic, multinational corporation and financial systems. Most are able to deliver their instruction in Mandarin.

02、格物致知 知行合一


The thesis emphasizes action as an integral part of research. Because the workplace is a prime environment for learning, the thesis is applied research that will challenges people to think and develop solutions in new and unexpected ways and to challenge the status quo. In short, the thesis creates impactful changes by critically examining one’s own professional activities, beliefs and practices. It will be documented through a mixture of research methods and informed by published scholarship.

03、研究主导 切磋琢磨

--独特的学习体验,在长达3 年的学习与研究过程中,每位学员在论文开题、讨论、答辩等多个环节均会得到教授和全班学员的帮助,共同探讨和思辨。同时,针对每位学员的论文方向,一个由3 名相关领域教授组成的论文指导委员会将为其论文撰写提供指导。

A series of learning laboratories have been designed to foster open discussion among the students and faculty teams. It’s a semi-structured opportunity for students to concentrate on significant business and policy making issues, through a learning community of their peers and faculty where ideas are challenged, polished and shared.Throughout the program, students will be trained with a mixture of quantitative and qualitative research skills.

04、专业鲜明 创新课程


The GES explores many critical topics facing China today on its quest of globalization. The curriculum is also designed to leverage participants’ existing strengths in financial management and institutional knowledge in the financial services sector. Through interaction with faculty and other world-class experts and benchmarking of global elite firms and their operations, GES students will master the rules of global engagement and build their organizations as a truly global enterprise in all dimensions.

05、精英学员 终身益友


The GES is designed for senior executives looking to transform their organizations as leaders. They aspire to become global champions within their respective industries. This is a radically different model from the scholarly PhD degrees, which train students in basic research and for academic careers. Their scholarship will not be judged by publications in top tier academic journals, but rather by the impacts on those whom they serve.
