吴飞教授的主要研究领域包括行为金融、市场微观结构和国际金融市场。他在国际学术期刊发表30多篇论文,包括 Financial Management, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Financial Markets, Journal of International Business Studies和 Review of Finance 等。其论文获2011年全美华人金融协会“中国金融市场”最佳论文奖和2012年中国金融学年会最佳论文奖。
吴飞教授讲授的课程包括《金融学原理》、《风险投资与私募基金》和《高净值人群财富管理》。他曾入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才”。曾担任亚洲金融协会(Asian Finance Association)理事和2013年亚洲金融协会年会联执主席,国际期刊 Emerging Market Finance and Trade 和 Economic Systems 特约主编。
吴飞教授于2000年在阿伯丁大学获金融与投资学硕士学位, 2004年在都柏林学院大学获金融学博士学位。
Huang, Tao, Fei Wu, Jing Yu, and Bohui Zhang, 2020, Investor Protection and the Value Impact of Stock Liquidity, Journal of International Business Studies.
Garvey, Ryan, Tao Huang and Fei Wu, 2020, Is Faster or Slower Trading Better? An Examination of Order Type Execution Speed and Costs, European Financial Management.
Huang, Tao, Junye Li, Fei Wu and Ning Zhu, 2020, R&D Information Quality and Stock Returns, Journal of Financial Markets.
Garvey, Ryan, Tao Huang, and Fei Wu, 2017, Why Do Traders Split Orders?, The Financial Review.
Ng, Lilian, Fei Wu, Jing Yu, and Bohui Zhang, 2016, Foreign Investor Heterogeneity and Stock Liquidity around the World, Review of Finance.
Garvey, Ryan, Tao Huang, and Fei Wu, 2016, Why Do Traders Choose Dark Markets?, Journal of Banking & Finance.
Huang, Tao, Fei Wu, Jing Yu, and Bohui Zhang, 2015, International Political Risk and Government Bond Pricing, Journal of Banking & Finance.
Huang, Tao, Fei Wu, Jin Yu, and Bohui Zhang, 2015, Political Risk and Dividend Policy: Evidence from International Political Crises, Journal of International Business Studies.
Garvey, Ryan, and Fei Wu, 2014, Clustering of Intraday Order-sizes by Uninformed versus Informed Traders, Journal of Banking & Finance.
Garvey, Ryan, and Fei Wu, 2011, Information, Execution Quality and Order Routing on Nasdaq, Journal of Empirical Finance.
Garvey, Ryan, and Fei Wu, 2010, Speed, Distance and Electronic Trading: New Evidence on Why Location Matters, Journal of Financial Markets.
Ng, Lilian, and Fei Wu, 2010, Peer Effects in the Trading Decisions of Individual Investors, Financial Management.
Garvey, Ryan, and Fei Wu, 2009, Intraday Time and Order Execution Quality Dimensions, Journal of Financial Markets.
Ng, Lilian, and Fei Wu, 2007, The Trading Behavior of Institutions and Individuals in Chinese Equity Markets, Journal of Banking & Finance.
Garvey, Ryan, Anthony Murphy, and Fei Wu, 2007, Do Losses Linger? Evidence from Proprietary Stock Traders, The Journal of Portfolio Management.
Ng, Lilian, and Fei Wu, 2006, Revealed Stock Preferences of Individual Investors: Evidence from Chinese Equity Markets, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.